Using the Things of God to Serve Ourselves

The darkest book in the Bible is the Book of Judges. Sure, it’s got the exciting stories of Gideon, Deborah, and Samson, but even those stories are set in the historical context of the Jews’ continual wandering away from God. In the past I’ve mentioned to people some of the stories in the Book of… Continue reading Using the Things of God to Serve Ourselves

Kindness Stories Inspire Tears – Divorce Minister

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. –Galatians 5:22-23, NIV (emphasis mine) Without fail, I find myself tearing up when I hear stories of kindness. The stranger that stops for another in need and offers of themselves when they didn’t have to. I think this… Continue reading Kindness Stories Inspire Tears – Divorce Minister

Five Examples of How Persecution in Iran Has Backfired, and Grown – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Today’s guest blog is from David Yeghnazar, the executive director for Elam Ministries. EPM has had the privilege of supporting Elam, which exists to strengthen and expand the church in the Iran region and beyond. With all of the bad news we hear out of the Middle East, it’s easy to overlook how God is at… Continue reading Five Examples of How Persecution in Iran Has Backfired, and Grown – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Turning Mountains into Molehills – Seasons of Trees

A tree holds immense beauty in all its seasons of life. Flowering blossoms in bright hues adorn a tree in springtime. Lush green leaves on the tree reach out for the sun of summer while casting their cooling shade across the fields. Brilliant red, orange, and yellow leaves glow like embers with the shortening days… Continue reading Turning Mountains into Molehills – Seasons of Trees

Heroes of Faith in the Bible – Christian Personal Development

The stories of these heroes of faith in the Bible will strengthen your Christian faith. The faith stories in this post are stories of people that were most unlikely to be called Bible faith giants but their faith exploits have elevated them to this status. I want you to let the Spirit of God help… Continue reading Heroes of Faith in the Bible – Christian Personal Development

How to Know God Cares for You and 4 Inspiring Bible Stories of His Love

Is it really possible to know God cares for you? I say a bold, yes, you can know God cares for you because He reveals it in His words, His life, and His love. This should be a short article and I could stop here because that is an extremely comforting revelation. But even when we believe… Continue reading How to Know God Cares for You and 4 Inspiring Bible Stories of His Love

Given similar circumstances, why did God save the boy but let the girl die?

It’s one of the saddest stories in the Bible – and one of the most confusing. Jephthah is a judge or leader in Israel. Prior to a big battle, he makes a vow to God that if God will give him victory over the Ammonites, he will sacrifice the first thing that walks out of… Continue reading Given similar circumstances, why did God save the boy but let the girl die?

The Story of Jesus

History’s Great Love Story An expanded version of The Life of Jesus The Story of Jesus: History’s Great Love Story – free PDFThe Life of Jesus with extra Bible passages includedThe same Contents and Chapters with more addedPage 4 of the PDF lists the additional passages An expanded version of The Life of JesusThe Life of Jesus: History’s Great… Continue reading The Story of Jesus