The Fascinating Story of Cornelius in the Bible, God’s Mission & 3 Essential Lessons We Can Learn

Cornelius in the Bible was a true trailblazer, boldly opening the gates of faith to all by bravely embracing Christianity. His selfless act has enabled countless individuals from different backgrounds and beliefs to unite and be part of a connected Christian community. The Story of Cornelius in the Bible Cornelius was at the heart of… Continue reading The Fascinating Story of Cornelius in the Bible, God’s Mission & 3 Essential Lessons We Can Learn

The Shocking Story of Tamar in the Bible and 6 Lessons We Can Learn From Her

The story of Tamar in the Bible appears in Genesis. Tamar is Judah’s daughter-in-law.  Judah believes that. Tamar has killed two of his sons and leverages the law so that she cannot remarry. However, she deceives Judah into getting her pregnant and secures her place in the family. She bears Judah two sons. Her story is… Continue reading The Shocking Story of Tamar in the Bible and 6 Lessons We Can Learn From Her

The Incredible Story of Rebekah in the Bible and 7 Lessons We Can Learn From Her

Rebekah in the Bible, is one of the most prominent women in scripture. The second (after Sarah) of the matriarchs in the ancestor stories of Genesis. The beautiful narratives in Genesis 24–27 describe how she becomes Isaac’s wife, gives birth to twin sons after years of barrenness, and gains the primary place in the lineage for her younger son,… Continue reading The Incredible Story of Rebekah in the Bible and 7 Lessons We Can Learn From Her

The Story of Joseph in the Bible and 5 Powerful Lessons We Can Learn From Him

The book of Genesis has quite a few stories about significant people, but no one gets more chapters than Joseph in the Bible (other than … The book of Genesis has quite a few stories about significant people, but no one gets more chapters than Joseph in the Bible (other than Jesus, of course)! The… Continue reading The Story of Joseph in the Bible and 5 Powerful Lessons We Can Learn From Him

Widow or prostitute. The Bible story that brings the vulnerability of women into stark relief

Most of us would know the story of Joseph from the Old Testament book of Genesis (and I’m written about it previously here). But slap bang in the middle of the Joseph story is Genesis 38 – the story of Tamar and her father-in-law Judah who was the fourth son of Jacob and one of Joseph’s older brothers.… Continue reading Widow or prostitute. The Bible story that brings the vulnerability of women into stark relief

‘Thy prayer Is heard’: Lessons from the Bible story of Zacharias and Elizabeth

‘Thy prayer Is heard’: Lessons from the Bible story of Zacharias and Elizabeth Posted on November 9, 2015 Read Luke 1 vs 5 – 13 Babatope Babalobi  + 2348035897435 App for BB phones: App for Android phones/iOS: This entry was posted in Bible Characters, Character, Sermons and tagged Barreness, bible story, Bible study, Christian, deliverance prayers, elisabeth, Faith, God, Jesus, Prayers, save the world prayer blog, spiritual warfare, Success, sunday school lessons, zecharias. Republished with permission from,… Continue reading ‘Thy prayer Is heard’: Lessons from the Bible story of Zacharias and Elizabeth

7 Keys To Grow Closer To God – Part 3 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

7 Keys To Grow Closer To God – Part 3 In Part 1 of 7 Keys To Grow Closer To God we discovered the 1st of the 7 keys – Commitment and Total Devotion. You need to be fully committed and totally devoted to Jesus in order to faithfully follow Him and grow closer to Him. In Part… Continue reading 7 Keys To Grow Closer To God – Part 3 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

How to Make The Most of Jesus In Your Christmas Decor

Welcome to our special series, “Keeping Christ at the Center of Your Holidays.” Over the next few weeks, you get to enjoy the wonderful words of my amazing friends as they share with you creative and practical ways you can keep Christ in the middle of all of your celebrations. Our prayer is that you… Continue reading How to Make The Most of Jesus In Your Christmas Decor

Why Jesus Came to the Earth for Us

As we reflect on Jesus’ birth, let’s turn to Scripture to discover why Jesus left heaven and came to this earth for us. To Give Us Life  John 3:16 states, ‘“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in… Continue reading Why Jesus Came to the Earth for Us

Wash Day

“He saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:5 (NIV) Washing What is your least favorite chore around the house? I think I dislike washing clothes the most… Continue reading Wash Day