A Devotional Discipline: Writing the Scriptures – Enjoying the Journey

God gave His Word once and promised to preserve it to every generation (Psalm 12:7). No new truth is being revealed and it is our conviction that God’s last word to man on this side of eternity is found in the final Revelation of Jesus Christ that was given to John. When I speak of… Continue reading A Devotional Discipline: Writing the Scriptures – Enjoying the Journey

DEVOTIONAL: Find Victory in God — Nicole O’Meara

It was while I was pregnant that we learned about the broken blood vessels in my lungs. My pregnancy had been moving along normally and I barely had a relationship with by obstetrician.  But within hours of my first lung bleed, at six months gestation, my obstetrician fired me as her patient. Like a hot… Continue reading DEVOTIONAL: Find Victory in God — Nicole O’Meara

Fruit of the Spirit FAITHFULNESS: lesson plan and devotional

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links. See my full disclosures, Terms of Use, and privacy policies on my “privacy” page. I never recommend a product I don’t love. The fruit of the Spirit FAITHFULNESS includes a Jesus-centered devotional you can use in a lesson, as well as… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit FAITHFULNESS: lesson plan and devotional

Fruit of the Spirit PATIENCE: devotional and lesson plan

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This post may contain affiliate links. See my full disclosures, Terms of Use, and privacy policies on my “privacy” page. I never recommend a product I don’t love. The fruit of the Spirit PATIENCE includes a devotional you can use in a lesson, as well as a… Continue reading Fruit of the Spirit PATIENCE: devotional and lesson plan

Why My Daily Devotional Time Isn’t Optional Anymore

Daily Devotional Time. The Real Me “I can’t believe you can’t tie your own shoes,” I grumbled impatiently as I tied my kindergartener’s shoes.  “You are plenty old enough to be doing this by yourself.” I finished, glaring at him as I stood up.   “Nolan, don’t just stand in front of the mirror. Brush your… Continue reading Why My Daily Devotional Time Isn’t Optional Anymore

Academic or devotional? How do you read?

Is formal study of Scripture different to personal devotional reading? How do we keep them separate? Should we? How do I balance my academic reading of Scripture with my devotional reading? It’s a question I get from friends, students and pastors. I understand why: if we read the Bible only to write papers or deliver… Continue reading Academic or devotional? How do you read?

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Plea for Forgiveness

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. Because of the physical rigors of crucifixion, Christ spoke only with great difficulty during His final hours on the cross. Scripture records just seven brief sayings from the Savior on the cross, but every one of them reveals that Christ remained sovereignly in control, even as… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Plea for Forgiveness

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Promise of Salvation

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. You may have heard stories of immediate answers to prayer. A destitute family thanks the Lord for a non-existent meal, and someone knocks at the door with food. A man with an empty bank account prays for help, and immediately finds an unexpected check in the… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Promise of Salvation

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Provision for His Mother

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. In the midst of His greatest anguish, Christ’s attention was not on Himself and His needs. Even as He hung on the cross, beaten and bleeding to death, His focus was on all that His Father was accomplishing—we see that illustrated in each of His seven… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Provision for His Mother