The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Petition to the Father

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. Famous last words can be tragic or inspiring. Not everyone has the opportunity to choose their last words carefully, but for those who see death coming, what message of wisdom, love, confession, or summation do they deliver with their final breaths? In preparation for the celebrations… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Petition to the Father

Jonah: The Rogue Prophet

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. The sea is no place to go for peace and quiet. Modern meteorology has documented the destructive power rogue waves, tropical cyclones, microbursts, and other weather phenomena that pose unique threats to ships at sea. But the storm described in the first chapter of Jonah was… Continue reading Jonah: The Rogue Prophet

Why I Still Preach the Bible

This post was first published in January, 2014. —ed. Sadly and ironically, in its attempt to achieve cultural relevance, mainstream evangelicalism has become essentially irrelevant. As Os Guiness points out, [1] the seductive promise of “relevance” is, in reality, the road to irrelevance. When the church markets itself like the world, the distinctiveness of its message is… Continue reading Why I Still Preach the Bible

Backsliding inspirational Bible quotes to empower you

Reading inspirational Bible quotes is crucial to our faith. In spirituality, backsliding holds significant importance. “Backsliding” refers to a spiritual regression, falling away from one’s faith, returning to old ways, or drifting away from a close relationship with God. The Bible provides profound insights into the nature and consequences of backsliding, urging believers to be… Continue reading Backsliding inspirational Bible quotes to empower you

Best inspirational deep quotes to make your life meaningful

Reading inspirational deep quotes brings meaning to our lives. Most of us are caught in the daily humdrum of our existence. We thrive in a routine world – work, eat, sleep, and repeat. As a result, we constantly search for a deep and true meaning in life. We yearn for purpose, a sense of fulfillment… Continue reading Best inspirational deep quotes to make your life meaningful

Positivity inspirational Bible quotes for husbands

In a world of chaos and uncertainty, positivity inspirational bible quotes greatly help husbands fulfill their roles as embodied in the Scriptures. Do we see a glass of water as half-empty or half-full? Having a positive outlook in life is essential and beneficial. According to Johns Hopkins expert Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H, “People with a family… Continue reading Positivity inspirational Bible quotes for husbands

Positivity inspirational Bible quotes for singles

Positivity inspirational Bible quotes offer a wealth of wisdom and encouragement to help singles find joy and contentment in their solitude.  These Bible quotes speak to the blessings and opportunities of being single. They also provide strength and grace that can be found in relying on faith and a higher power.  By turning to these… Continue reading Positivity inspirational Bible quotes for singles

Preach the Word: Because It Is Timeless and Powerful

This post was first published in January, 2014. —ed. A primary reason I still preach the Bible is that it alone is God’s eternal and divinely empowered message. Thus it is both timeless and truly powerful. More than four decades of ministry (or any finite number for that matter) could never begin to exhaust its freshness and richness, its depth… Continue reading Preach the Word: Because It Is Timeless and Powerful

Preach the Word: Because It Is Clear and Certain Truth

This post was first published in January, 2014. —ed. Pastors don’t know everything. In fact, an important part of shepherding God’s people is having the humility to take the time to search for the right answer instead of quickly and carelessly deploying the wrong one. But it’s one thing to tell your congregation “I don’t… Continue reading Preach the Word: Because It Is Clear and Certain Truth

Preach the Word: Because It Is God’s Authoritative Self-Revelation

This post was first published in January, 2014. —ed. While the sound of my voice might reach a lot of ears, it’s the biblical content that merits the attention, not me. My own ideas and opinions don’t contain “the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). Neither do yours. Preaching the Bible establishes the authority of… Continue reading Preach the Word: Because It Is God’s Authoritative Self-Revelation