Is Timing Everything? What the Bible says About Timing our Words

When I think about timing I always think about romantic comedies. The creators of romantic comedies know exactly how to perfectly tease out the timing to the couple finally falling in love at the end. But we are on the edge of our seats while we watch with our popcorn knowing that the guy loves the girl… Continue reading Is Timing Everything? What the Bible says About Timing our Words

Gold and silver: What the Bible says about materialism

In this materialistic society, it’s easy to succumb to the allure of wealth, power, and the never-ending pursuit of acquiring more.  Unfortunately, even among Christians, the insidious temptation of greed can take hold. It then leads us away from the teachings of the Bible and distorts our priorities. As you navigate through this material world,… Continue reading Gold and silver: What the Bible says about materialism

What the Bible says about broken families

A little girl with a stuffed toy. (Photo by Pixabay from Pexels) Have you ever wondered about the untold stories behind broken families?  Those shattered dreams, lost connections, and the lasting impact they leave on individuals and society?  While we may often witness the surface-level effects of broken families, such as divorce rates or custody… Continue reading What the Bible says about broken families

What Does The Bible Say About War? | A Lesson For The World Today

When we strive for peace, love and unity, the evil ones also try to disrupt them —because of their greed for power, money and material wealth. Let’s figure out what the Bible says about war War isn’t a new thing to humans. As the world increases in knowledge, and population —the growth of evil also… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About War? | A Lesson For The World Today

Helkath Hazzurim

People of faith enjoy reading the Bible because through the reading of the sacred text God speaks to them. As people read the Bible, it is important for them to understand what the text says so that they may apply the words of Scriptures in such way that they are edified and, at the same… Continue reading Helkath Hazzurim

What Does The Bible Say About Dreams? Never Be Ignorant

Could you be hearing from God through dreams without being aware? Let’s find out what the Bible says about dreams. It’s a common human experience but sometimes reveals God’s special message to believers. Dreams are a very important part of the life of every child of God. Here, I will share with you what the… Continue reading What Does The Bible Say About Dreams? Never Be Ignorant

Arranged marriage: What does the Bible say?

In an arranged marriage, the bride and groom might only meet each other after the big day.  Family history, academic achievement, religious affiliation, and professional experience are standard criteria in the selection process. Many prospective spouses will be considered before your family or matchmaker settles on the one they think is best for you. It… Continue reading Arranged marriage: What does the Bible say?

No More Cancer! Praise the Lord!

Dear praying friends, I’m so grateful to the Lord and relieved that the pathology testing revealed clear margins and no additional cancer. The next step is for my case to be taken to a “tumor board” for deciding if I’ll need radiation or not. Chemotherapy will not be needed for sure. Please pray for God’s… Continue reading No More Cancer! Praise the Lord!

4 Parts Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ – Pursuing Intimacy With God

The 4 Parts Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ In this 4 part series we will look into the 4 parts of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. One part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ per week. What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ ? What is true salvation ? And what is required to… Continue reading 4 Parts Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ – Pursuing Intimacy With God