In the Family of God (Romans 8:11-17)

At the beginning of Romans 8 we learned the value of our thoughts: the mind set on the Spirit versus the mind set on the flesh. Further Scriptures help us to understand how God takes our thoughts seriously. Psalm 94:11a reads: “The Lord knows the thoughts of mankind… and Psalm 139:2 reads: You know when I sit down and when I stand up;… Continue reading In the Family of God (Romans 8:11-17)

An Illustration From Marriage (Romans 7:1-6)

Paul illustrates the marriage vow between two people (Romans 7:1-6). More clearly, Paul uses this illustration of the law of marriage. God has exclusive possession of you—spirit, soul, and body. If that troubles you, then maybe you’ve not completely died to self. Think about it. Once you were married to the world and “belonged” to… Continue reading An Illustration From Marriage (Romans 7:1-6)

Life in Christ – The With God Life! (Romans 6:1-14)

I open the Bible to chapter 6 of Romans, and immediately these words grab me hard: “…are you unaware…?” I understand that unawareness is a blind spot, and it is downright dangerous. So, I stop what I’m doing and pray: Lord, help show me where I am unaware.” Are you aware that… The enemy of our soul… Continue reading Life in Christ – The With God Life! (Romans 6:1-14)