Known For Their Faith (Romans 1:8-17)

Paul reflects his thankfulness and faithfulness in the gospel almost immediately in Romans 1:8-17. Wediscover the Roman church was not hidden, secret, or underground. Paul knew them for their faith. Some were even there on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit empowered the Church. Prayer of Thankfulness First, I thank my God through Jesus… Continue reading Known For Their Faith (Romans 1:8-17)

What The Bible Says About Prayer – Pursuing Intimacy With God

What The Bible Says About Prayer This 4 part series of articles is about prayer. It will help you to see what the Bible says about prayer. Many people think about prayer as a religious discipline. Or something that a good Christian needs to do. Or a way to get what you want or need… Continue reading What The Bible Says About Prayer – Pursuing Intimacy With God

What Does the Bible Say about Gratitude?

Can you remember the last time you paused and thanked God for his faithfulness? Maybe gratitude comes easily to you. Or maybe it’s difficult because you’re going through a hard time at work, or the holidays bring back painful memories. Whatever you’re going through, God is not absent in your pain. He is always with you.… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Gratitude?

What the bible says about dreamers

Everyone is dreaming a dream now. Everyone is having a vision now. It’s practically the ticket of entry into a church and almost required for faith…among the Charismatics and false teachers, that is. Until about about 100 years ago when the charismatic and experience-driven Azusa Street Revival broke out, these kind of ecstatic experiences never were part… Continue reading What the bible says about dreamers

7 Bible Verses to Help you Believe God wants More for you

Have you ever if God wants more for your life? I’m a big believer that God has more for you & I see it throughout scripture. One quote from my upcoming book is, “God’s best for you is better than you think.” I truly believe this! To support “Threshold” (the free weekly newsletter!) buy your… Continue reading 7 Bible Verses to Help you Believe God wants More for you

How should we store up treasures in heaven?

Setting aside money is crucial for everyone, especially in times of emergencies. There is nothing wrong with savings.  However, most people are so busy storing treasures, such as investing in a house, car, gold, and other material things here on earth. Have we considered storing treasures in heaven? The world has deceived us that success… Continue reading How should we store up treasures in heaven?