“You are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness….” (Nehemiah 9:17b) Golf has a delightful invention—the “mulligan.” When a golfer has hit a poor shot, typically from the tee box, the golfer can call for a mulligan, an opportunity to try the shot again without penalty. It’s used only in informal play, not… Continue reading The Privileged Life: Thankful for Second Chances
Author: Crossmap Blogs
Crossmap.com is a Christian living portal website serving the U.S. and global Christian communities. It is pan-denominational, viewing all Christian denominations as equal constituents of the body of Christ, and all Crossmap staff and contributors adhere to our statement of faith.
The Character of God: God honours vow
The Character of God: God honours vow By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: http://qrco.de/babalobi Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CpNBXTvL4dv7eyO3M7bHOV Genesis 28 vs 20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat,… Continue reading The Character of God: God honours vow
Rely On The God Of Grace
Many Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, and the two men urged them to continue to rely on the grace of God. Acts 13:43 One Sabbath day, Paul and Barnabas went to the synagogue for a regular service in Antioch of Pisidia. While in attendance, they received the following invitation. After the… Continue reading Rely On The God Of Grace
Christ Living in Us Brings Us into New Jerusalem
“I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.” (Gal. 2:20) When you… Continue reading Christ Living in Us Brings Us into New Jerusalem
The Right Emphasis at Christmas
I don’t know what it’s like at your house in December, but many of us have a Christmas tree prominently displayed. Probably some lights and a box or two of ornaments—including the ugliest, but most treasured ornament: the quirky little ornament your child made in preschool class. Our habits and traditions with Christmas decorations are… Continue reading The Right Emphasis at Christmas
The Impact of the Daily Drip
The Monday after a full Thanksgiving weekend you stumble into the kitchen and turn on your coffee pot. After a few minutes, you lean in to get a closer look, convinced your machine is not actually making coffee. You move your cup off the burner and a few drops sizzle against the plate. Once it’s… Continue reading The Impact of the Daily Drip
A Study Of Colossians 3:1-4
A study of Colossians 3:1-4 covers the desire for Godliness, making an intentional decision, and anticipating a future life with Christ. A study of Colossians 3:1-4. The desire for Godliness If then you have been raised with Christ… Paul uses baptism in Colossians 2:12 as a picture of how followers identify with Christ. “Having been buried with him in baptism,… Continue reading A Study Of Colossians 3:1-4
I Am The Light of the World (Advent Devotional)
This post is a part of our Advent series. If you’d like a PDF version of the full Advent devotional,click here! As we celebrate Advent, the darkness of late autumn and winter begins to set in. When we rise from our slumber each morning, we are greeted by dark, starlit skies. Shortly after we pull… Continue reading I Am The Light of the World (Advent Devotional)
Leave No Place Empty
“Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order” (Matthew 12:44). Jesus shared the parable of the return of the unclean spirit. He shared that when an unclean spirit is driven out of a person, it passes… Continue reading Leave No Place Empty
A Pilgrim Poem: For All Who Long for a Better Country
Providence and the Pilgrim By William Bradford (1590–1657) FROM my years young in days of youth,God did make known to me his truth.And call’d me from my native placeFor to enjoy the means of grace.In wilderness he did me guide,And in strange lands for me provide.In fears and wants, through weal and woe,A pilgrim, passed I… Continue reading A Pilgrim Poem: For All Who Long for a Better Country