Accept My Lot

In a previous article, I discussed the importance of accepting our toil as a gift. This came from Ecclesiastes 3:22: “…a man should rejoice in his work, for that is his lot.” In the passage, we can also observe the concept of accepting one’s lot. We see this also in a similar passage later on. “Find… Continue reading Accept My Lot

About entertaining angels unawares

By Elizabeth Prata Angels figure very, very prominently in the NT. People don’t really know this, or they overlook angels in the created order. At the other end of the scale, some are so preoccupied with angels they nearly fall into angel worship. Once you start studying angels, you realize how frequently they are mentioned… Continue reading About entertaining angels unawares

Home for the Holidays? Four Biblical Truths to Guide Your Decision

Not too long ago, my husband, Collin, and I sat down to figure out our travel plans for the upcoming holiday season. We were married in January and now must navigate the joys and challenges of our first Christmas together and two families who love us deeply and live five hours away from each other. While we… Continue reading Home for the Holidays? Four Biblical Truths to Guide Your Decision

Street preacher shot in head while preaching Good News (donate button inside)

By Elizabeth Prata Hans Schmidt, Outreach Director at Victory Chapel in Phoenix AZ, was preaching about an upcoming service at his church. The former military combat medic was standing with a megaphone on a busy street corner, a frequent activity in which he engaged, when police received reports a man had been assaulted. Initially unaware that… Continue reading Street preacher shot in head while preaching Good News (donate button inside)

Great Biblical Doctrines: The Good Angels

By Elizabeth Prata Martyn Lloyd-Jones (MLJ) preached through an incredible series called “The Great Doctrines of God.” You can listen to them here. The companion sermon to The Good Angels (The Bad Angels) is unfortunately not recorded, but you can read a transcript of that sermon on fallen angels from MLJ, here. Listening to his sermon on the good angels… Continue reading Great Biblical Doctrines: The Good Angels