Living hope

What about when people’s experience of hope is falsehood? Pain can crush hope. Injustice and inhuman oppression squeeze the life out of us, so we yearn for release. But how? Buddhists hope for nirvana, the end of all suffering and desire, exit from the cycle of reincarnation and suffering. Hindus hope for moksha, escape from the cycle… Continue reading Living hope

Hope Beyond Hope

We must never loose hope in what God has promised and never be afraid to hold unto his promises. Even when it seems impossible in the natural, God is able to make things happen beyond all human possibilities. Abraham had a promise from God to become the father of many nations. How would this be… Continue reading Hope Beyond Hope

Leave Room for the Wrath: Hold Fast to Patience – Lin Wilder

Leave room for the wrath Bless those who persecute[you], bless and do notcurse them. If possible, on your part, live at peace withall. Beloved, do not look for revenge but leave room forthe wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I willrepay, says the Lord.” Rather, “if your enemy is hungry,feed him; if he… Continue reading Leave Room for the Wrath: Hold Fast to Patience – Lin Wilder

Grasping the Patience of God – Serenity in Suffering

Have you ever come across a word that you thought you understood completely until, well, you didn’t? Patience is that word for me. In fact, just for fun I asked a few people for a definition of patience. No two definitions agreed. The reason for my contemplation of patience stems from considering this attribute of… Continue reading Grasping the Patience of God – Serenity in Suffering

God’s Patience With Me – Ron Edmondson

God, give me patience!!!!!! What we are really saying when we pray this is or scream this (let’s be honest) is, “God remove me from this tension that I am in. I don’t like it.” Tension is uncomfortable. Tension is vulnerable. Patience creates tension. This is part 4 of our series on the vulnerability that… Continue reading God’s Patience With Me – Ron Edmondson

Qualities of a good Christian: Long suffering and Patience

Qualities of a good Christian: Long suffering and Patience Posted on November 5, 2015 Updated on November 5, 2015 Christianity is easier said than done. You must carry the cross of Christ, and have His qualities, if you wish to be called his disciple But this man has done nothing amiss- Luke 23 vs 41 Please read Isaiah 30 vs 15; and Exodus… Continue reading Qualities of a good Christian: Long suffering and Patience

God’s Patience With Me – Ron Edmondson

I love this passage in The Message Version: 1 Timothy 1:12-16 I’m so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you know, in trusting me with this ministry. The only credentials I brought to it were invective and witch hunts and arrogance. But I… Continue reading God’s Patience With Me – Ron Edmondson

Fruit Of The Spirit Affirmations— Patience

Continuing on in our look at each of the fruits of the Holy Spirit and how affirming them cultivates intentional mindfulness within us. Affirmations are a statement intended to provide encouragement, emotional support, or motivation,  In Philippians 4:8, Paul gives us instructions on what we should think or meditate about.  “And now, dear brothers and sisters,… Continue reading Fruit Of The Spirit Affirmations— Patience