God is Good

By Tanja Have you ever wondered if God is good? I’m sure you have, or maybe you’ve never doubted that God is good, and this question hasn’t shaken you. In Genesis, where there is a record of the account of God creating the world, we see that everything that God created He proclaimed as good.… Continue reading God is Good

The Character of God: God can do all things

The Character of God: God can do all things  By Babatope Babalobi  babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: http://qrco.de/babalobi Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CpNBXTvL4dv7eyO3M7bHOV Genesis 18 vs 14  Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a… Continue reading The Character of God: God can do all things

Controlling the Chaos of the Holiday Season – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Stress studies show that a sense of control is essential to mental health. Those who survive captivity with the fewest mental scars are those who maintain as much control as possible even when so much is out of their control. They may treat their cell as a home, rearrange the “furniture,” save food and share… Continue reading Controlling the Chaos of the Holiday Season – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

I Am The Bread of Life (Advent Devotional)

​Advent encourages us to pause and contemplate the arrival of Jesus as a man, offering eternal life to sinners in need of a Savior. However, amidst the holiday rush, we often lose sight of this vital focus. The glory of Christ is often overshadowed by the hustle and bustle of shopping, event planning, travel arrangements,… Continue reading I Am The Bread of Life (Advent Devotional)

The Character of God: God wants perfection

The Character of God: God wants perfection  By Babatope Babalobi  babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: http://qrco.de/babalobi Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CpNBXTvL4dv7eyO3M7bHOV Genesis 17 vs 1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Join… Continue reading The Character of God: God wants perfection