Fasting other than food: Dedication to your faith

Fasting, in the Christian context, is more than an empty stomach. It is a deliberate act that echoes through biblical foundations, shaping the very core of your spirituality.  As a Christian, you are not just skipping meals. You are embarking on a journey that intertwines your daily choices with the sacred teachings that guide your… Continue reading Fasting other than food: Dedication to your faith

The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Much hand-wringing and consternation occurs among Christ-followers who are frustrated with and taken aback by the worldliness of the world with its flaunting and glorification of sin. “Why can’t they see?” is the unspoken question that drives many to work harder, to argue longer, and allow the anxiety to build within them. The fruit will… Continue reading The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

Redeeming the unredeemable: Overcoming rock bottom and finding hope 

Picture of Robert Downey Jr. (Photo from Renowned for his roles as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey Jr. has undergone a remarkable transformation. However, his journey wasn’t always smooth, as the 45-year-old actor grappled with a significant history of substance abuse problems from the late 1990s to the early 2000s. This turbulent… Continue reading Redeeming the unredeemable: Overcoming rock bottom and finding hope 

Redemption for Life unto New Jerusalem

Praise the Lord that we are the partakers of the divine nature and that we also have the redeeming Christ. We have the full right and privilege to enjoy the divine light and to claim the divine flow. Both the divine light, God the Father, and the divine flow, God the Spirit, are our portion even today. We must apply… Continue reading Redemption for Life unto New Jerusalem

The Importance Of Forgiveness

Peter asked Jesus a question about forgiving others. After specifically answering Peter’s question, the Lord ended by sharing a parable concerning the importance of forgiveness. Our verse for today concludes a story Jesus told about an unforgiving debtor. After we read it, we’ll look at how the conversation began with Peter’s question. Then the angry… Continue reading The Importance Of Forgiveness

Learn to Love People Better at Work — iWork4Him

It’s safe to say that the Industrial Revolution was not started based on the premise of loving our employees. Many big business people needed workers, and many workers needed jobs, so they fulfilled one another’s expectations, but very few of those workers felt loved or appreciated.  A lot has changed over the last 100 years in… Continue reading Learn to Love People Better at Work — iWork4Him

Walk in God’s Divine Nature, Have the Flow of Life 43-2-4

According to our experience, if we do not behave and live according to God’s divine nature, we feel dried up within, and we do not sense the flow of life within us. We have the flow of the water of life within us when we are living, behaving, and having our life according to God’s divine nature.… Continue reading Walk in God’s Divine Nature, Have the Flow of Life 43-2-4

Gratitude For God’s Sufficient Grace

Welcoming November often turns the thoughts of our hearts to gratitude. It seems gratitude always has more to teach us with each passing year. Recently I sat with the intricately woven idea of gratitude for God’s sufficient grace. Fully understanding God’s grace extended to me through the undeserved favor of God and others shines forth… Continue reading Gratitude For God’s Sufficient Grace

The Power of Prayer in the Life of a Child

I know that most of you in my online family know the story of how I came to faith, but I realize that many of you don’t. So, I want to take today to share it with you. If you’ve heard it before, perhaps this would be an opportunity to forward it to someone who… Continue reading The Power of Prayer in the Life of a Child