What to think about what is happening in Israel right now…

By Elizabeth Prata We ALWAYS live with an expectation that in the leading up to that blessed moment of Jesus’ return, sin will heighten and grow worse- for all humans but especially for Israel. What is going on in Israel right now is an expression of the always present, but not always seen, hatred satan… Continue reading What to think about what is happening in Israel right now…

The Cheapest Dream in Town

Playing Powerball is popular in America. The jackpots grow these days to outrageous dollar amounts. Most people hope to win it. There was one such winner last night from California. They won $1.73 Billion. That’s, of course, if they take the annuity option, and yes, they have to pay federal and state taxes first. Otherwise,… Continue reading The Cheapest Dream in Town

Love and compassion: Bible verses that teach us to care

Painted hands formed together to form a heart. (Photo by Tim Marshall from Unsplash) Love and compassion are portrayed in the Bible as the guiding principles that humanity should aspire to. These profound values are more than simply words on paper; they are fundamental tenets that form the basis of the Christian religion.  In the… Continue reading Love and compassion: Bible verses that teach us to care

Lifting Up

After Job lost his family and all his possessions, three of his friends came and sat with him for a few days. They took turns speaking to Job and admonishing him about his condition. Eliphaz spoke and suggested that perhaps Job was not pure in all of his ways. He admonished Job to return to… Continue reading Lifting Up

30. Single…and A Virgin. Why the wait?

At 30 years old, there are two questions I get asked quite a lot. The answers to both these questions are linked…and definitely not what most people think. A common assumption is that I’m a virgin because I am a Christian. And that I am single because I do not have options. Both couldn’t be… Continue reading 30. Single…and A Virgin. Why the wait?

“This Is Our Darkest Hour”: An Interview with Joel Rosenberg on Israel, Hamas, and Bible Prophecy

In this conversation with New York Times best-selling author Joel Rosenberg, we discuss the war in Israel, the attack by Hamas, and what this all means for students of Bible prophecy. Read the Full Transcript Below Greg Laurie: Hey everybody, Greg Laurie here with an exclusive interview with my friend Joel Rosenberg who is an absolute expert on… Continue reading “This Is Our Darkest Hour”: An Interview with Joel Rosenberg on Israel, Hamas, and Bible Prophecy

50 Inspiring quotes about being patient

A man looking at his watch. (Photo by Jeshoots from Pexels)Patience. It’s one of those virtues we all know we should have, yet it can sometimes be elusive, right?  Sometimes, the world feels like it is moving at a million miles an hour, and we’re caught up in the whirlwind of life, trying to juggle… Continue reading 50 Inspiring quotes about being patient

Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 1

By Elizabeth Prata Should we pray for false teachers?Are false teachers and heretics the same thing?Can a false teacher repent?Can a heretic repent? I’m asked these questions now and then. Since I do a third of my ministry here as discernment, it’s logical I get asked discernment type questions. I’ve wondered the same thing myself.… Continue reading Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 1

The Courage to Start Back at One

PRESS ON! Every year between summer and fall, there comes a moment where I sense something in the wind prompting me to begin what I am calling my “human hibernation”. It tells me to get my affairs in order, reinforce my spiritual foundations, be about my business, prepare mentally, physically, even emotionally for a lean… Continue reading The Courage to Start Back at One