Grafted Into Israel — House of David Ministries

The Apostle Paul spoke about God’s promises to Israel in Romans chapter nine. He said: “For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ [Yeshua] for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service… Continue reading Grafted Into Israel — House of David Ministries

Israel in Babylon (Isaiah 52:4)

Judean Captives by King Sennacheric of Assyria A few days ago, a reader asked me to explain Isaiah 52:4 in relation to Exodus 1:8. The issue in question is the oppression of Israel by both Egypt and Assyria. The reader writes that after reading commentaries on Isaiah 52:4, “I am really still not satisfied with the explanations I am… Continue reading Israel in Babylon (Isaiah 52:4)

Israel: The Eye of the Hurricane

The little sliver of land known as Israel is practically in the headlines every day—and even more so in recent weeks as the nation has been under attack. Hamas, an Iran-backed terrorist organization, fired thousands of rockets into Israel, hitting population centers. If it weren’t for the Iron Dome defense system stopping 90 percent of… Continue reading Israel: The Eye of the Hurricane

God’s kingdom and Israel today

Israel did not exist as an independent nation for more than 2,500 years (586 BC – AD 1947). What is the significance of Israel’s rebirth 70 years ago? For many Jews, it means coming home to the home they never had. Some see it as the fulfilment (or re-fulfilment) of God’s promise to resurrect their… Continue reading God’s kingdom and Israel today

Moses Interceded For Israel With Great Results

What do we mean when we say that Moses interceded for Israel? Spiritual intercession means intervening on behalf of another person to the Lord through prayer. Here in Exodus, God showed us what it looks like when one intercedes for someone else. When Moses interceded for Israel, he found himself literally standing between them and… Continue reading Moses Interceded For Israel With Great Results

Jehu, King of Israel – Part 2

Queen Jezabel Being Punished by Jehuby Andrea Celesti (1637–1712) This is the second part on my study of Jehu, king of Israel. This study is divided into two parts. Part one, “Jehu, King of Israel – Part 1,” was an overview of the political and religious crises that prompted the prophetic community of the Northern… Continue reading Jehu, King of Israel – Part 2

David, King of Israel

Kind David in Prayerby Pieter de Grebber (1635)Wikimedia Commons David was the second and the greatest king of Israel. David was the youngest son of Jesse, a man who lived in Bethlehem. The name of David’s mother is never mentioned in the Old Testament. According to the genealogy in the book of Ruth, David was… Continue reading David, King of Israel

Israel in Exile

The Exile of Israel to Babylonby James Tissot (1896) The devastation of Judah caused by the Babylonian invasion and the anger and despair of the people is expressed in the book of Lamentations. When one considers the devastation caused by the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the… Continue reading Israel in Exile