New Testament Israel

(Photo: Unsplash)My Israel Journey–New Testament SitesToday, let’s continue our New Testament Israel journey by visiting my favorite sites. So where to begin and what to include? We visited more than these, but I wanted to hit the highlights. Before this trip, I never thought of going to the Holy Land, but I am so glad… Continue reading New Testament Israel

Raising Faithful Stewards – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). The Message paraphrases it, “You’re far happier giving than getting.” One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is freedom from materialism. How? By teaching them to be generous givers who know everything belongs not to them, but to God. And by… Continue reading Raising Faithful Stewards – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

I AM is the God Who Fills in Your Gaps

Do you remember the first Rocky movie? (I just looked it up and there have been eight.) In the very first film about the Italian Stallion, Rocky Balboa falls madly in love with the very demur Adrian who works at a Tropical Fish pet store. Adrian is a very intelligent, shy, and cautious. Rocky is,… Continue reading I AM is the God Who Fills in Your Gaps

The Fall of Jerusalem and the Book of Lamentations

The fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of the temple, and the deportation of the people of Judah to their exile in Babylon did not come suddenly, without a warning. Prophets like Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and others had been warning the people of Judah that unless they repented and turned to God, the curses of the covenant… Continue reading The Fall of Jerusalem and the Book of Lamentations

5 Simple Ways to Teach Faith to Your Children

Nothing strikes more fear in the heart of a Christian mother than to hear statistics about how many young people have turned their backs on God. We love God, and we want our children to love Him too. We understand the heartbreak of life and the terror of a Godless eternity so we yearn for… Continue reading 5 Simple Ways to Teach Faith to Your Children

The Names Of God – Yahweh Or Jehovah – Part 2 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

The Names of God – Yahweh or Jehovah – Part 2 In Part 1 we began to look at one of the names of God – Yahweh or Jehovah. The name Yahweh has very important meanings. We looked at how the name Yahweh (Jehovah in English) revealed some of God’s character and glory.  The first 3 characteristics… Continue reading The Names Of God – Yahweh Or Jehovah – Part 2 – Pursuing Intimacy With God

Four Directions of Praise

If I were to pick the most helpful app on my smartphone, a few contenders would rise to the top. Email, text, and camera of course—and the GPS system. As a directionally inept person, having a device that can get me to anywhere from anywhere is a dream come true. However, sometimes even GPS isn’t all that helpful, like… Continue reading Four Directions of Praise