Book Drawing for Advent Devotional: “Seeking Joy Through the Gospel of Luke” by Christine Trimpe

I’m very pleased to make a book drawing available for an Advent devotional by Christine Trimpe: “Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke: A Christmas to Calvary Advent Countdown.” Prepare your heart for a worshipful Christmas season. And you could win a copy! Please make a comment on this blog post in order to enter the drawing. UPDATE: The… Continue reading Book Drawing for Advent Devotional: “Seeking Joy Through the Gospel of Luke” by Christine Trimpe

Your Hur? Your Aaron? – Divorce Minister

 Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. –Exodus 17:12b, NIV This verse comes from a story about a battle where the Israelites were winning as long as Moses kept his arms raised. Obviously, Moses’ arms got weary. When he grew tired,… Continue reading Your Hur? Your Aaron? – Divorce Minister

God Is Greater Than The Highs And Lows – Meaning & Origin

You might have heard the phrase “God is greater than the highs and lows” somewhere, but not sure when it comes to its meaning. This phrase has entered our daily life and become many people’s inspiration to keep moving on.  Followers of Jesus Christ must know that all the things they underwent today are to… Continue reading God Is Greater Than The Highs And Lows – Meaning & Origin

Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 2

By Elizabeth Prata I’m often asked discernment questions, which pleases me because that means a woman is thinking about her faith, wants the truth of the Bible, and pursues holiness in her walk. I was recently asked ‘Are false teachers and heretics the same thing, and can they repent? Should we pray for them?’ In… Continue reading Heresy vs false doctrine: What are they? Part 2

Heresy and false doctrine part 3: Can they repent? Will they repent?

By Elizabeth Prata Heresy vs False Doctrine: What are they? Part 1Heresy vs False Doctrine: What are they? Part 2 In part 1 I looked at definitions of false doctrine and heresy and whether they were two sides of the same coin, or totally different theological issues. In Part 2 I looked at heresy and… Continue reading Heresy and false doctrine part 3: Can they repent? Will they repent?

Do prayers change anything in this unjust world? – Bravester

What is your reaction when you see #thoughtsandprayers–often on social media hence the hashtag–posted about something terribly unjust? That hashtag has become emotionally loaded. At that moment of tragedy we don’t want just thoughts and prayers, we want action. We want to feel safe again. We hate that our fears our triggered. We want justice.… Continue reading Do prayers change anything in this unjust world? – Bravester

Tarry in Prayer

Tarry in Prayer.  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Luke 24 vs 49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high. Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Republished… Continue reading Tarry in Prayer