Don’t Walk Away From Jesus, but if You Do, He Still Looks at You and Loves You

Matthew 19: 16-26 Don’t Walk Away From Jesus, but if You Do, He Still Looks at You and Loves You It’s a beautiful offer: Come follow Jesus on a life of divine guidance on faith-challenging and exciting adventures. Chasing ambitions, strutting our stuff exhausts us, but the excitements of knowing the ever-fresh, surprising Jesus—those are… Continue reading Don’t Walk Away From Jesus, but if You Do, He Still Looks at You and Loves You

The Triune God as Our Daily Supply is a Foretaste of New Jerusalem 41-3-1 last

Ephesians 4:4-6, “One Body and one Spirit…One Lord…One God and Father of all…” The application of the New Jerusalem in its triune existence is described in Ephesians 4:4-6. These verses show how the church can exist with the Triune God—with the Father, with the Lord, and with the Spirit….The Bible is a book full of revelations… Continue reading The Triune God as Our Daily Supply is a Foretaste of New Jerusalem 41-3-1 last

Baptism: Washed Clean or Just Wet, Part 1

Episode 32 • Aired Sep. 25, 2023 Baptism: Washed Clean or Just Wet, Part 1 Baptism shows the world we’ve undergone a change, but it can’t save us. In this episode we talk about what must come first before our baptism and why there are some churches and false teachers leading people astray by giving… Continue reading Baptism: Washed Clean or Just Wet, Part 1

Conduct Before God, Part One: Holiness

Read closely 1 Peter 1:13-16 and refresh yourself on what we learned before in 1st Peter 1:1-12. Believe it or not, the Lord cares about what we do—our conduct before Him, others, and in the church. As we continue in 1st Peter, we will learn just how much He cares. We are not constrained, but liberated, to conduct… Continue reading Conduct Before God, Part One: Holiness

Be rich towards God.

Be rich towards God.  By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Luke 12 vs 21 So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God. Jesus Christ said anyone who is not rich towards God is a fool. What does it mean… Continue reading Be rich towards God.