What Does the Bible Say about Minding Your Own Business?

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Whether we admit it or not, we have the tendency to overthink. In fact, sometimes we think about problems and issues that are not our own. As a result of this, we add and think about more problems than we actually have. That is why people talk about minding your own business. Focusing on one’s… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Minding Your Own Business?

What Does the Bible Say about Inspiration?

Photo by Cathy Mü on Unsplash

God’s words are inspired – this truth is clearly stated in many parts of Scripture. This simply means that when Bible writers wrote sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph of the word of God, they did not do it in their accord, neither used their own power and wisdom. They were simply moved or… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Inspiration?

What Does the Bible Say about Unconditional Love?

Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

When we say unconditional, it means something does not require any action or condition. Therefore, unconditional love is the act of love that did not require any action from the recipient. It was the giver of love who made the first step. This is how the Bible illustrates God’s love for man. In a hopeless… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Unconditional Love?

What Does the Bible Say about Teachers?

Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

The Bible is God’s Word, and is full of lessons, principles and practical applications. This is the reason teachers are needed for teaching the word of God. There is actually a gift of teaching, which means God has empowered those people who can and are willing to touch the lives of their students. Even church… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Teachers?

What Does the Bible Say about Seeking God?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Some of life’s most burning questions include “why are we here?” and “where are we going?” and people often search for answers in this world. However, the answer can only be found in God, because it was He who created us. So how do you find the answers from God? A person who wants to… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Seeking God?

What Does the Bible Say about Consistency?

Photo by Alex Woods on Unsplash

To be consistent is to persevere, to continue, and to endure among other things. It is one of the qualities that make up successful people. However, as far as the Bible is concerned, man’s consistency is always found wanting. In reality, most people are not consistent when pursuing goals, changing their life perspectives, and so… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Consistency?

What Does the Bible Say about Attention Seekers?

Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

An attention seeker is someone who desires the limelight. He always wants to be noticed and praised for his appearance, qualities, or skills. Sometimes, he is willing to do ridiculous acts just to be noticed and get everyone’s attention. However, the Bible is not a big fan of attention seekers. The Scriptures always point to… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Attention Seekers?