What Does the Bible Say about Sickness?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The human body is one of the greatest creations of God. He especially made each part to fulfill a specific purpose, in order to facilitate every day living. Unfortunately, there are instances where certain parts of the body malfunction due to sickness. But where does sickness come from? Why do we become sick? God created… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Sickness?

What Does the Bible Say about Suicide?

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Suicide is never right, yet in our time, some people and organizations think people who want to commit suicide have the right to pursue it. As a result, the term “assisted dying” became controversial, yet approved in a few countries. However, according to the Bible, no one has the right to take life except God,… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Suicide?

What Does the Bible Say about Parents and their Children?

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash

If there’s one thing that the word of God always emphasizes is that everyone has a responsibility, and failing to do that responsibility has consequences. The family is a good starting point to learn about responsibilities, and each member has one. Fathers were instructed to teach their children about God, discipline them, and avoid provoking… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Parents and their Children?

What Does the Bible Say about Christians Who Continue to Sin?

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

The Bible says that who ever believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and receives Him as his personal Savior will be saved, and be a follower of Christ. That is what it takes to be a Christian. Unfortunately, not all Christians live up to the expectations. Sin is in our nature, and… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Christians Who Continue to Sin?

What Does the Bible Say about Having Self Worth?

Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash

Personal development, self care and self love are some of the perspectives that are gaining popularity nowadays. Experts claim that in a fast-paced world, individuals sometimes need to take their time and give time and effort for themselves. Doing this would prevent them from losing themselves in a goal-oriented society. But what does the Bible… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Having Self Worth?

What Does Omnipresence Mean in the Bible?

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Omnipresence comes from two words, omni meaning “all” and “presence”. Simply put, omnipresence means “present everywhere” and is often only attributed to God. So the question is “Is God everywhere?” If we read verse upon verse from the Bible, that is certainly the case. How is that possible? As we all know, God is not… Continue reading What Does Omnipresence Mean in the Bible?

What Does the Bible Say about Prosperity?

The common meaning of prosperity is abundance. It may be riches, food, and other material things. However, if we read prosperity in the Bible, it does not only talk about material possessions and blessings. Prosperity could mean finding favor in the sight of men. One can have a simple and unabundant life financially-speaking, yet he… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Prosperity?