What Does the Bible Say about Long Distance Relationships?

Photo by Eva Darron on Unsplash

The Bible does not exactly tell any stories of couples living apart from one another. However, the principles of loyalty and commitment are very prominent in the entire Scriptures. Even though man chose to move away from God, and even refused the chances He was giving him, God did not easily give up. So as… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Long Distance Relationships?

What Does the Bible Say about Speaking the Truth in Love?

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

The Bible often warns its readers regarding the damage and injury that the tongue may inflict. However, it does talk about speaking at the right time as well. But before speaking, there are certain requirements that should be met. First, the statement should be the truth. Whether it is hurtful or not, as long as… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Speaking the Truth in Love?

What Does the Bible Say about Preaching the Gospel?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Before going to the verses talking about preaching, it would first be helpful to identify what kind of gospel should be preached. According to the Apostle Paul, the gospel he received from God contained the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Because Christ became victorious over sin, death and hell, He has… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Preaching the Gospel?

What Does the Bible Say about the Mark of the Beast?

Photo by Master Wen on Unsplash

The Book of Revelation has a lot of terrifying prophecies about the future when God’s wrath will be poured out into the world. One of these is the appearance of the mark of the beast. According to the Bible, this is a number of man: six hundred, sixty-six. It will be placed in the forehead… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about the Mark of the Beast?

What Does the Bible Say about Stealing?

Photo by Janayara Machado on Unsplash

Stealing is one of the forbidden sins in the 10 Commandments of Moses. No matter what the purpose is for stealing, the act itself would still be punishable both by God’s law, and the law of men. Always remember the saying “The end does not justify the means.” A careful study of stealing brings out… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Stealing?

What Does the Bible Say about Soldiers?

Photo by Carlos Felipe Ramírez Mesa on Unsplash

The New Testament books are filled with references that pertain to soldiers. During those days, Roman soldiers can be seen throughout the entire empire, but especially in Israel due to the incursions taking place there. Some Jewish sects wanted to be free from the oppressors, and so they make surprise attacks to Roman centers. The… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Soldiers?