What Does the Bible Say about Healing a Broken Heart?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In this world that is full of hate and selfishness, it not surprising that a lot of people suffer from a broken heart. Some of these people think that having fun, indulging into material things, and even addiction can cure their broken hearts. Unfortunately, those are not solutions. The Bible offers a solution that is… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Healing a Broken Heart?

What Does the Bible Say about Death Penalty?

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Life is a gift from God, and taking it forcefully from a person is a crime and sin. In the Bible, God dealt seriously and strictly with the Israelites in implementing capital punishment. Why is that? It is because God Himself was the One giving orders to the Jews. Back then, disobedience was not only… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Death Penalty?

What Does the Bible Say about Man as Head of the Household?

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash

During the time the Bible was being written, men were the only ones who had jobs. Women were seen as keepers at home, responsible for caring for the kids. However, in our time, women are not just at home. In some cases, women are even more qualified than men in their responsibility to be the… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Man as Head of the Household?

What Does the Bible Say about Strengthening Our Relationship with Jesus?

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior is not the end of the Christian life, but only the beginning. Like any relationships we have, our relationship with Christ should also be cultivated and strengthened. There is no better way to strengthen such relationships than communication. Similar to keeping touch with close friends, Christians… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Strengthening Our Relationship with Jesus?

What Does the Bible Say about Weapons of Warfare?

Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash

If you read the Bible casually, you may have read about the different wars and battles that the children of Israel waged over their oppressors, as well as neighboring nations. The weapons used in these battles were sharp and dangerous. However, in the New Testament, the believer is instructed to wage wars in the spiritual… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Weapons of Warfare?

Can God Talk to Us Today? What Does the Bible Say?

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

If prayer is the way for man to communicate with God, then how can He talk to us? Some people look for signs in nature and the universe whenever they are waiting for God to speak to them. Others wait for certain situations or even people to confirm any “messages” they have from God. Unfortunately,… Continue reading Can God Talk to Us Today? What Does the Bible Say?

What is Water Baptism? What Does the Bible Say about It?

The word “baptism” is derived from the Greek word “baptizo” which means to immerse. Therefore, the literal meaning of water baptism is immersion in water. But what is it? Why do people undergo water baptism? When the Lord Jesus Christ was still here on earth, He commanded His disciples to teach all nations that He… Continue reading What is Water Baptism? What Does the Bible Say about It?