What Does the Bible Say about Learning?

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

As far as the Bible is concerned, there are two types of “learning”. One is philosophical or theoretical learning, and the other is practical learning. The first kind of learning is knowing how to do or not to do certain things and activities. It is important to listen to teachers and read books in order… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Learning?

What Does the Bible Say About Discipline?

As controversial as it seems today, discipline is a pretty straightforward topic in the Bible. The Bible portrays God himself as a father who disciplines or chastises his people, Israel. Whenever they stray away from the path He ordained for them, they encounter punishments to help them remember God. Isn’t discipline hurtful? Yes, of course!… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say About Discipline?

What Does the Bible Say about Repentance?

Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

Repentance is a vital doctrine in the Bible. It teaches that man has the capacity of admitting fault and asking for forgiveness. However, it does not end there. The principle behind repentance is that there is a change of perspective and a change of heart regarding a particular sin in his life. Repentance can be… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Repentance?

Is There Really Answer to Prayer? What Does the Bible Say?

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

If there’s one thing the Bible teaches in great detail, it is about trusting God, who is all powerful and all knowing. Some of the things that put these attributes to the test is our prayers and supplications Whatever it is we ask of Him, we should remember that God always answers. However, not all… Continue reading Is There Really Answer to Prayer? What Does the Bible Say?

What Does the Bible Say about Submission to God?

By virtue of his creation, mankind has a responsibility toward its Creator to obey Him. But God did not create robots who just follow everything He commands. He gave man the freedom to choose, whether he would follow Him, or not. Unfortunately, the opening chapters of the Bible show that man deliberately disobeyed God, leading… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Submission to God?

What Does the Bible Say about Foreigners?

Photo by yousef alfuhigi on Unsplash

If we read the Scriptures, the Old Testament is filled with warnings for the children of Israel not to entertain and allow foreigners into their lives, their faith, and their land. In fact, there were instructed not to intermarry with them. Why is that? That’s because other nations around them worship strange gods and idols,… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Foreigners?

What Does the Bible Say about Stewardship of God’s Creation?

Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

If we go back in time and end up in the Garden of Eden, there God placed man to be the overseer of His creation. And even though Adam and Eve sinned, they were still responsible for cultivating and enriching the land they were in. Unfortunately, thousands of years later, mankind has overstepped its boundaries… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Stewardship of God’s Creation?