Want to Know What Love Is? Consult the Bible

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

What is love? A tremendous amount of literature has been written across centuries to describe what true love is. Nowadays, a particular notion about love is seen in movies, TV shows, and sometimes even in the lives of people around us. But do they truly depict what love is as far as God is concerned?… Continue reading Want to Know What Love Is? Consult the Bible

Does God Really Love Us? What Does the Bible Say?

Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

With all the turmoil and conflict that our world is experiencing right now, some people are asking whether God really loves humanity, or He is fed up with all our wickedness and rebellion. Has He given up on us? Or does He still show His love for everyone? If we read the Bible, we will… Continue reading Does God Really Love Us? What Does the Bible Say?

What Does the Bible Say about the End of the World?

Photo by Crawford Jolly on Unsplash

Most if not all religions of the world has some view of the end of the world, or the end of time. This time is often depicted as the season wherein their respective gods will exact judgment in the world for their actions. The Bible also talks about the end of the world. But contrary… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about the End of the World?