What Does the Bible Say about Surrender?

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Surrender is a word that sounds pretty negative and awful. In wars, surrendering means certain defeat. In sports, surrendering is synonymous to quitting, and no ones want to be a quitter. However, the Bible gives a whole new meaning to surrender when it is meant for obedience to God. One of the classic examples was… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Surrender?

What Does the Bible Say about Doctors?

The Bible has a lot of stories where people experienced miraculous healing for their sicknesses and other unexplained medical conditions. This has given some people today the idea that doctors and other medical practitioners are unnecessary in seeking treatment and healing. But if we read in the New Testament, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Doctors?

What Does the Bible Say about Spreading the Gospel?

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What is the Gospel? According to the New Testament, the Gospel is the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, which provides a way for sinful man to gain salvation. Why is this needed? It is because everyone has sinned, and no one has met the qualifications to enter heaven. The good news… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Spreading the Gospel?

What Does the Bible Say about Parents?

Photo by sofatutor on Unsplash

The Bible is a holistic book, which means in most cases, it sheds light on all possible angles of a certain theme. For instance, when it comes to family, great emphasis has been given to the duty of children to obey and honor their parents. However, the Scriptures also discusses the responsibility of parents toward… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Parents?

What Does the Bible Say about Grandchildren?

Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash

Like children, grandchildren are blessings from the Lord, and an ‘inheritance’ for any parent or grandparent. The Bible even refers to grandkids as the crown of the elderly, clearly because it gives them so much joy. However, there are certain responsibilities that parents and grandparents should observe for their children and grandchildren. One of these… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Grandchildren?

What Does the Bible Say about Family and Friends?

Photo by Valiant Made on Unsplash

If there is one thing that the Bible says about family and friends, it is love. Love should be the central thing in all of man’s relationships, and not some selfish purpose or reason. But how can love be shown in these kinds of relationships? For a wife, love is shown through submission and reverence… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Family and Friends?

What Does the Bible Say about Good and Evil?

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

There is on-going debate whether God is ultimately good because if He is, then evil would not exist in the world. However, if we read the Scriptures, we can see that from the beginning everything God created was good, as mentioned in Genesis. Evil came along when some of God’s creations, angels and mankind, chose… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Good and Evil?