What Does the Bible Say about Motivation?

Photo by Alexander Redl on Unsplash

There are books that talk about motivation in life and how to push through boundaries and limits. Those resources are indeed helpful for most people. But what about the Bible? Does it teach us to be motivated? A motivation is a driving force that propels you forward even when circumstances are against you. It is… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Motivation?

What Does the Bible Say about Widows and Orphans?

Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

In ancient times, widows and orphans are among the poorest people in any given town or city. Why? That’s because women were not allowed to have the usual work that men have, and if a woman’s husband dies, and he did not have any near kinsman to support the widow, then she would solely depend… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Widows and Orphans?

What Does the Bible Say about Problem Solving?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The Bible says everyone encounters problems, whether they believe God or not. But there is a promise that whatever trial or problem a man faces, it is never more difficult than what he can handle. But if this is true, then why do some people fail to solve their problems? The answer lies in where… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Problem Solving?

What Does the Bible Say about the Holy Spirit?

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

Some churches today consider the Holy Spirit as mere energy or power coming from God. However, there are a lot of Bible verses that pertain to the Spirit, not just as a power, but the third Person of the Godhead. The Holy Spirit have some personal characteristics such as emotions, a will, and intellect. He… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about the Holy Spirit?

What Does the Bible Say about Being Anxious?

Anxiety or the feeling of anxiousness is often experienced by those who are worried about things that would happen. Some refer to this as overthinking while others feel anxious because they think something might happen. Uncertainty is a normal feeling for a human being because no one knows what would happen in the future. However,… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Being Anxious?

What Does the Bible Say about Church Anniversaries?

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

Every year, some evangelical churches celebrate God’s goodness to them by holding church anniversaries or thanksgiving services. The Bible is silent about anniversaries in particular. However, there are a few principles we can see in Scriptures that does not forbid such celebrations. In Psalm 90:12, the writer asks God to teach him to “number his… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Church Anniversaries?