What Does the Bible Say about Holding Each Other Accountable?

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Accountability means having a sense of responsibility to finish a task or project assigned to you. However, it is more difficult to be accountable of something if no one is keeping tabs on your progress. That is why it is a good idea to have a buddy or colleague to keep you in check. The… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Holding Each Other Accountable?

What Does the Bible Say about Pleasing God?

Photo by Jessica Delp on Unsplash

Once a person learns and understands how God loves him so much, and gave the ultimate sacrifice for him, he would surely want to do something for God in return. This is completely natural, but there is a proper way to do it. Although praying, reading the Bible, going to church and helping others get… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Pleasing God?

What Does the Bible Say about Unforgiveness?

Photo by Amel Majanovic on Unsplash

The Bible teaches that although man has sinned tremendously against God, He is willing to forgive if only man will have the humility to draw near and admit his sin. If this promise is available for man, then God expects man to offer the same forgiveness to his fellowmen. The Lord Jesus Christ preached the… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Unforgiveness?

What Does the Bible Say about Building Each Other Up?

Photo by Wylly Suhendra on Unsplash

Unity is a common theme in the Bible, and it is often commanded for the people of God. Back in the Old Testament, it was the children of Israel, while in the New Testament, that call for unity is meant for the church. But the question is why? Being a Christian is not an easy… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Building Each Other Up?

What Does the Bible Say about Lukewarm Christians?

A lukewarm state is neither hot nor cold, and God is not pleased with it. One of the most popular Bible references for lukewarm Christians is in Revelation when Jesus rebuked the church at Laodicea. Lukewarmness results from a Christianity that is neither hot nor cold, meaning not too “evil” and not too “righteous.” This… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Lukewarm Christians?

What Does the Bible Say about Cheating?

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The main issue about cheating is that it has an intention to deceive. Deception came from the enemy, Satan, when he tempted Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The consequences to that one particular sin were catastrophic. So yes, cheating may be the watered-down version, but… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Cheating?

What Does the Bible Say about Attitude?

Photo by Mahmudul Hasan Shaon on Unsplash

The Bible is like a fountain where various principles about God and righteousness are taught. However, mere knowledge of these truths will not cut it. Scriptures also say that these truths should reflect in our lives. These principles reflected into behavior is what comprises our attitude. The Word of God is not just a philosophical… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Attitude?