What Does the Bible Say about Worldly Music?

Photo by Sebastian Ervi on Unsplash

Whenever we hear or read the term worldly music, we often think of metal rock bands, rock concerts, illegal drug use, alcoholism, etc. However, if we try to define worldly music, it simply means music that does not glorify or talk about God. Under this definition, it would mean that even love songs, R&B, and… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Worldly Music?

What Does the Bible Say about Human Dignity?

Photo by Dave Lowe on Unsplash

Dignity talks about a man’s character. Today, a man’s popularity or importance are based on his outward appearance, his possessions, and his abilities. However, the Bible teaches that human dignity is more important than all these. Beauty fades, riches can get stolen, and abilities can be taken away by disabilities and injuries, but dignity remains.… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Human Dignity?

What Does the Bible Say about the Power of Prayer?

Throughout the Scriptures, God teaches that man cannot live without Him. Indeed, mankind may survive and exist, but true life can only be found in God. Once a person has believed in Christ as his Savior, he receives this promised life. And the lifeline of this life is prayer. Prayer is simply communication with God.… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about the Power of Prayer?

What Does the Bible Say about Courage?

Photo by Liam Simpson on Unsplash

Courage is a common theme in the Bible and can be found in both the Old and New Testaments. In the O.T. courage is often attributed to bravery in times of war and conflict. When the Israelites were commanded to take back the Promised Land from foreigners and strangers, they were reminded and encouraged to… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Courage?

What Does the Bible Say about Overcomers?

Photo by Nghia Le on Unsplash

This life is full of problems, anyone saying otherwise probably does not know what responsibility means. We often get too tired to face of all these because sometimes although we have tried our best, our best isn’t “good enough” for other people. How do I overcome and become victorious in this hard life? The word… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about Overcomers?