10 Bible Verses That Will Help You Conquer Bad Dreams

10 Bible Verses That Will Help You Conquer Bad Dreams

Have you ever had a bad dream? One so vivid and terrifying that it woke you up in a cold sweat? We’ve all been there. You may have even wondered why God would allow such nightmares to happen. There are a few different interpretations of why the Lord lets us have bad dreams. One is… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses That Will Help You Conquer Bad Dreams

10 Bible Verses Against Vanity So It Won’t Get The Best Of You

It’s no secret that our society is obsessed with physical appearance. We’re constantly bombarded with images of “perfect” celebrities and models, and it can be easy to start comparing ourselves to them. Because of this, most of us go on an endless quest for beauty. We diet, we exercise, we wear makeup and clothes that… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses Against Vanity So It Won’t Get The Best Of You

Money Matters: 6 Bible Verses About Handling Money

Money Matters: 6 Bible Verses About Handling Money

Money is something that a lot of people think about on a daily basis. Whether it’s worrying about not having enough or trying to figure out how to save more of it, we’re always thinking of how to earn for our living and manage our expenses. We even pray for the Lord’s blessings and help… Continue reading Money Matters: 6 Bible Verses About Handling Money

12 Bible Verses That Teach Us to Let Go of Grudges

12 Bible Verses That Teach Us to Let Go of Grudges

We’ve all been wronged by someone at some point in our lives, and it’s only natural to feel anger. What’s not natural is keeping that anger and fostering it until it turns into hate.  Holding onto a grudge is like clutching a handful of hot coal— it will only burn you. Despising someone for minor… Continue reading 12 Bible Verses That Teach Us to Let Go of Grudges

15 Bible Verses That Offer Hope For The Unemployed

15 Bible Verses That Offer Hope For The Unemployed

In the midst of an economic recession and a worldwide pandemic, thousands of people have been laid off from their jobs. It’s been tragic event after tragic event, especially for all the unemployed who need to pay bills and bring food to the table. It’s during a crisis like this that people turn to God,… Continue reading 15 Bible Verses That Offer Hope For The Unemployed

8 Bible Verses to Offer You Strength When You’re Feeling Weary

8 Bible Verses to Offer You Strength When You're Feeling Weary

In a world that is constantly moving, it’s easy to feel worn down. We are always being pulled in different directions and it can be hard to find time to just stop and rest. When we are feeling tired, it can be difficult to see God as anything other than a demanding taskmaster. This should… Continue reading 8 Bible Verses to Offer You Strength When You’re Feeling Weary

Beat Charisma With Courage: 12 Bible Verses About Intimidation

Intimidation is a common tactic used by those in positions of power to get what they want. It’s a way of putting pressure on you to comply with their wishes, and it can be very effective, especially if you feel like have no other choice but to follow. When something or someone is making you… Continue reading Beat Charisma With Courage: 12 Bible Verses About Intimidation

Yielding to God: 6 Bible Verses about Surrendering to the Divine Will

You may feel like you have everything figured out, but sometimes life gives you lemons and you have no idea how to make lemonades out of them. This is why no matter how sure we are of ourselves, it is still important to live our lives according to the purpose God has in store for… Continue reading Yielding to God: 6 Bible Verses about Surrendering to the Divine Will

Struggling With The Same Old Mistakes? Check Out These 13 Bible Verses For Help

As humans, we often find ourselves caught in a cycle of repeating the same sins over and over again. We ask for forgiveness and swear we’ll change, yet somehow, we always end up back where we started. Maybe we’re not taking our repentance seriously enough or maybe we’re trying to go it alone without God’s… Continue reading Struggling With The Same Old Mistakes? Check Out These 13 Bible Verses For Help