10 Bible Verses About Secrets That Everyone Should Know

We all have secrets— things we’ve done that we’re ashamed of and things we’re afraid to tell anyone. When we keep those secrets hidden, it feels like we’re safe, like no one can judge us if they don’t know the truth. As they say, there’s no secret that doesn’t get revealed. We may think we’re… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses About Secrets That Everyone Should Know

10 Bible Verses That Would Discourage You From Cheating On A Test

Many students feel pressured to cheat on tests in order to keep up with their classmates. They know that it is wrong and against the rules, but they also feel like they need to do whatever it takes to get a good grade. Most of these students rationalize their decision by thinking that as long… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses That Would Discourage You From Cheating On A Test

10 Bible Verses That Will Help You Move On From Your Past Relationship

There is no shame in admitting that a relationship didn’t work out. Just because a relationship failed doesn’t mean that you failed. It just means that it wasn’t meant to be.  If being freshly single still pinches your heart and makes you feel lonely, it’s important to remember that God is always with us. Even… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses That Will Help You Move On From Your Past Relationship

Are You Struggling With Jealousy? Check Out These 10 Bible Verses

Jealousy is one of the most powerful and destructive emotions. It can tear apart families and friendships. It can make people do crazy things. And to God, it is a mortal sin. In the Bible, there are many examples of people being jealous of others. In the book of Genesis, Joseph’s brothers were jealous of… Continue reading Are You Struggling With Jealousy? Check Out These 10 Bible Verses

 “I’m Sorry” 10 Bible Verses About Asking For Forgiveness

God forgives us all, no matter how big or small our transgressions may be. However, when we make a mistake, it is always important to say sorry. This is true even if we believe that God has forgiven us. Saying sorry shows that we are taking responsibility for our actions and willing to change. Apologizing… Continue reading  “I’m Sorry” 10 Bible Verses About Asking For Forgiveness