Be Still, in God’s Perfect Peace

“You keep him in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on you,
    because he trusts in you.”   ISAIAH 26:3

In the third year in a pandemic, wars and conflict between nations arise, cost of commodities increases, noise in social media with individualism at peak, one can really say, where is peace?

We are living in a world everyday where peace seems scarce, people flock to places such as mountains, hills, quiet nooks to experience peace yet eventually go back in a disposition of looking for peace.

Here in today’s daily bread, scripture tells us that those whose minds are fixed on God, who trusts in the sovereignty of God will find and keep a perfect peace. What makes the peace of God perfect means living under His presence, that though we see wars, conflicts, sickness, and all other events that steal human peace, we on the other hand are at still , resting in Faith, knowing that the Lord we trust is above all of these, and so we experience joy amid life’s turbulences. This is what makes us, God’s children different as we hope in the Lord, trust His ways and will and honor His sovereignty.

Today, be encouraged to find the perfect peace in Christ. Entrust all aspects of your life under His will and sovereignty, go deeper with our relationship with the Lord, until the word “peace” be redefined in you and experience the unexplainable, supernatural joy of God’s perfect peace. Go and share the perfect peace of Christ that others may know.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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