Before Greatness Comes the Breaking

The Father knows best. We always look at our biological parents, our earthly fathers and mothers as people that truly knows the best for us. Perhaps because of paternal instincts or their wisdom from the past experiences that served as a guiding thrust to the children’s path, desiring only the best for their offspring.

Same goes with the Lord our God, our heavenly Father who knows the very core of our lives and made us unique with diverse gifts and abilities to serve our purposes in life. Yes, God has a purpose in each of our lives. Most of us aspire to do greater things, yet we feel the inadequacy. For others, it’s the discouragement from the surrounding people and even circumstances, and hinders one to do greater things. But little did we know that it is in this process, is where God progresses us before giving us greater things to do.

Sometimes these points in our lives tears our personalities and even the deepest of ground of our hearts, only to be made whole by the Lord. It is in this breaking that God sets our hearts and souls aligned with Him. We surrender some aspects of our lives and allow God to intervene and change us for good. Heart breaking, soul crushing moments can these be, but it is where we see the beauty and essence of God’s way of preparing us, not just to have all the might, but also to have the right understanding and experiencing the heart of God that we may truly know that greater are we when we enthrone God in our lives, walk humbly before Him and set let this borrowed earthly time be used for His glory and honor.

David, in the prime of his Kingship, stumbled in sin, failure and defeat and found humbled by God and set his heart before the Lord.

Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. Psalm 28:6-7

Like David, may the breakings be our encouragement to all the more draw near to God, for He is a Father to us all that knows what is best for His children. May we seek the Lord’s strength and wisdom to allow us to understand and reveal to us his wonderful deliverance and transformation to each one of us, before a greater task and season comes, we are already grounded and founded in the Love of our Lord.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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