Bible and Delilah: Bible story and lessons

Bible and Delilah: Bible story and lessons

Posted on September 14, 2018 Updated on September 13, 2018


Read JUDGES 16

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

  1. Samson was a man of supernatural birth.
  2. The birth of Samson was made specially in heaven.
  3. The destiny of Samson was custom designed in heaven.
  4. The conception of Samson was anounced to the world by Angels.
  5. The God of Heaven and Earth had a special interest in Samson’s destiny even before he was conceived.
  6. Samson was reserved from the Lord even from the womb (Judges 13 vs. 51)
  7. Samson was ordained from heaven to be a deliverer (Judges 13 vs. 5)
  8. The God of heaven and earth gave Samson extraordinary powers.Image result for samson and delilah
  9. God had a master plan for Samson
  10. The God of heaven and earth gave Samson supernatural powers.
  11. May God show a special interest in your destiny in Jesus name.
  12. May the finger of God orchestrate your destiny in Jesus name.
  13. May Angels announce the glory of your children even from the womb in Jesus name.
  14. May you live in the supernatural in Jesus name.
  15. Samson was on the path of fulfilling his destiny until he met a strange woman called Delilah.

Samson was on the path of fulfilling his glorious divine plan until he fell in love with a strange woman called Delilah- Judges 16 vs. 4

  1. Delilah was the woman that betrayed Samson to the hands of his enemies.
  2. Delilah was the woman that trusted Samson to the hands of his enemies
  3. Delilah had a beautiful name but her heart was wicked.
  4. Delilah was beautiful physical but her soul was evil.
  5. Delilah sold Samson in the hands of his enemies for 100 pieces of shekel (Judges 16 vs. 5)
  6. Delilah was a trap.
  7. Delilah was an enticer (Judges 16 vs. 5).
  8. Delilah was Samson’s lover and killer.
  9. Delilah was a killer lover
  10. May your children not fall into the hands of killer lovers in Jesus name.
  11. Love is blind, may your children’s eyes be opened in love in Jesus name.
  12. May lust not turn your wisdom to foolishness in Jesus name.
  13. My Husband shall not become my enemy in Jesus name
  14. I shall not marry my enemy in Jesus name
  15. My marriage shall not become my cemetery in Jesus name
  16. Sexual lust and lack of self-control shall not   abort my destiny     in Jesus name-Judges 16 vs. 19
  1. Delilah enticed Samson to sleep on her laps and in the process he revealed the secrets of his divine power to Delilah.
  2. When Samson slept on the laps of Delilah, his wisdom was turned to foolishness.
  3. When Samson slept on the laps of Delilah, the enemy caught him and removed his two eyes (Judges 16 vs.24).
  4. When Samson slept on the laps of Delilah the deliverer became a prisoner.
  5. When Samson slept on the laps of Delilah, his glory prematurely ended by lying with his enemies.
  6. May Holy Spirit deliver my husband from delilahs in the office, church, street, compound and neighborhood in Jesus name.
  7. I refuse to be caught by the trap of Delilah in Jesus name.
  8. My destiny shall not be aborted by sexual lusts in Jesus name.
  9. Delilah’s’ programmed into my life, I deprogramme you in Jesus name.
  10. Thank you Jesus.
  11. Lessons from the story of Samson and Delilah.
  • Love of money is the root of all evils.
  • Flee sexual sin and all forms of sin.
  • Have self-control.
  • Fall in love with your eyes opened.

Babatope Babalobi: + 2348035897435

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