Bible Verses About Prayers

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Prayer is an indispensable part of our spiritual life. Through prayer, We could draw near to the Lord and learn more about His purpose for our lives. Prayer is not just a spiritual exercise, but a way of life for believers. Biblical prayer should be simple and sincere, revealing the believer’s dependence on God and trust in His goodness.

Bible teaches us to find, seek, and knock in prayer. “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:8. Bible also shows that prayer is towards God, and that believers entrust their hearts, souls, and minds to God.

One of the main purposes of prayer is to seek God’s will, so that it can be fulfilled on earth, thus bringing glory and honor to the Name of the Lord. God promises that He will hear and answer the prayer when we pray in Jesus’ name and according to His will.

Here are Scriptures about prayer, which teaches us the importance of prayers, how to pray, encourage you to walk with Christ every day, and help you experience the power of prayer!

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