Bible Verses That Will Teach You to Love Your Enemies in Spite of Everything

Photo by Emmanuel Phaeton on Unsplash

The words in the Bible are very important to the way we live our lives a s Christians. I think it is very crucial that we don’t take the word of God for granted. It is important that we read and understand God’s word because there are things in the Bible we would never gasp on our own.

Even some of the smartest minds may have trouble understanding what God is trying to tell us in the Bible. The section about enemies is one of the areas that can be tough to grasp. We are in a society where many people tend to live for themselves.

Having the ability to love and forgive our enemies is counter to our own sense of reasoning. God teaches us that if we see our enemies in trouble or in need, we help them no matter what.

Below are top Bible verses about the importance of loving your enemy.

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