In today’s daily bread, we recall the moment of Jesus Christ when he began his ministry, recounted as the sermon on the mount where he imparted to the crowd a set of meaningful words that blessed his listeners and even us today, known as the beatitudes, the blessings of the Lord.
Jesus opened in Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.”
What does it mean to be poor in spirit?
We all experience at some point in our lives where we feel broke in a sense that we have nothing left and we needed help spiritually. In the moment of our deep need for help, it is where Jesus Christ desire to meet us. We being poor in Spirit, Christ invite us to stand in humility before Him that we need Him as a shepherd to lead us, we need a savior to carry our burdens. We need Christ to fill us and give us the Spirit that make us cry, “Abba, my father” to our Lord.
As we come in humility to God that we need Him to Lord over our lives, the Father arms wide openly welcome us back, sealing us with His love, welcoming us to His eternal kingdom as co-heirs with Christ. Indeed, how blessed we are being poor in spirit, for He shows mercy that He can replace our sins into a robe of Christ’s righteousness. He pours His unfathomable love to us so we can be one with Him.
If you are reading this today and you feel that you’re poor in spirit, be encouraged and come to the Lord Jesus Christ today. If you are experiencing poverty in your spiritual life, re-connect with Lord today, remember the cross of Christ and the power of His resurrection that bore our sins. If you know someone in downcast, share this good news today – bring the light into someone’s darkest moment.