Breakthrough prayers: O God of Israel, settle me now!
Posted on July 20, 2015 Updated on July 20, 2015
1 Peter 5:10 New Internationa Version (NIV)
10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
By Babatope Babalobi
1. There’s a reader of this message who wants God to settle him.
2. You may wish to be settled with a good husband or wife, the fruit of the womb, a good job, a befitting accommodation, a house of your home, visa for international travel, marital peace, good health, or deliverance from sin.
3. Perharps you have been crying for years, praying earnestly to God to seetle you.
4. The good news is that God does settle His children.
5. However, there’s a price to be paid, a path to tread, a principle to be followed, and an exam to be passed before God can settle you
6. Let’s examine 1 Peter 5 vs 10 critically….You will discover that there are four things that must happen before God settles you. First, you must suffer. Second, you must be perfected. Third, you must be established. Fourth, you must be strengthened.
7. You must suffer. Do you want God to settle you? Then you must ready to suffer for a while. You must suffer in prayer and fasting. You must suffer in memorising the word of God. You must suffer in denying yourself the pleasures of sin. You must suffer in living a life of holiness. You must suffer in avoiding ill gotten treasures. You must suffer in being denied, ridiculed, and mocked by the world. You must suffer in carrying the cross of Christ. Unfortunately, most people want to be divinely blessed without going through the School of suffering, which accounts for there inability to advance forward in their christian life .
My prayer for you today is that you shall emerge victoruious in the School of divine suffering in Jesus name
8. You must be perfected. Do you want God to settle you ? Then you must be ready to be perfected. You must be perfected to drop your old man. You must be perfected to produce the fruits of the spirit. You must be perfected to kill your flesh and die to self. You must be perfected to think of the word rather than the world. You must be perfected to start investing in heaven, rather than on worldly things. You must be perfected to cut off your old habits…anger, impatient, gossip, lying, lust, envy, etc You must be perfected to become a saint. Unfortunately, most Christians want to receive miracles and breakthroughs without going through the School of perfection. No wonder, they are yet to be settled by God.
I pray for you again that you shall become a lamb without blemish in Jesus name.
9. You must be established. Do you want God to settle you? Then you must be established as a Christian. Are you merely a church goer or a servant of God? Are you merely a follower of Jesus or a disciple of Jesus? What are you doing for God? Are you merely a recruit soldier in the Army of Christ or a Combatant soldier? How many souls have you won for Christ this year? What are you doing for God that brings joy to the kingdom? Beloved, you must be established as a dependable, fruitful, reliable servant of Christ before God can focus on you for divine settlement. Yet again unfortunately, most Christians are not willing to pass through the School of establishment; they remain feeding bottle, ice cream christians all there life not doing anything for the kingdom of God. Alas, God also refuses to settle them as they have no value to the kingdom.
I pray for you again, that you shall be valuable in the sight of God in Jesus name.
10. You must be strengthened. Do you want God to seetle you? Then you must be strengthened by the Holy Spirit to receive divine settlement. The Bible says in that day the burden shall be lifted up and the yoke shall be broken because of the annoiting. It is the annoiting of God that strengthens you spiritually making you a candidate of divine settlement. How long do you pray in the Spirit daily? Five minutes, ten, thirty, one hour? How long can you do personal worship. Beloved, unless the power of God falls on you and strengthens you to break the evil bondages and cages, your divine settlement may not materialise. Unfortunately, most Christians are too lackadaisical, too gentle for the devil , and too cold to face their adversary who is a roaring lion. You must pass through the School of spiritual strength before you can receive divine settlement.
I pray once again for you that the fire of God shall fall on you today in Jesus name
Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about prayer.