“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” MATTHEW 11:28-30
As you go through life, you will experience brokenness. That is inevitable. You may experience sickness, failure, frustration, betrayal, debt, or maybe the loss of a loved one. But whatever it is, I hope you know that God is creating something beautiful out of it. Maybe not now, but in His time. Today, you may feel you are broken, but did you know that you are more blessed than ever?
Beloved, it’s okay to feel bad or discouraged during these times. But remember that at this time of wilderness is when you will experience the greatest intimacy with God. In these moments, you will learn to surrender and submit your all to Him. Because He’s all you’ve got, and honestly, He’s all you will ever need anyway.
Even in the Bible, different characters from the Old and New Testaments have their own stories of brokenness. God prepared them by humbling them first. He needed a sincere, repentant, and broken heart to use them for His greater glory. True enough, they did. And right now, He is working in your life so you can do the same.
Brokenness is a painful process, but it is always necessary for blessedness- for YOUR blessedness. The Lord is preparing you for something extraordinary, something way better than what you have in mind. Soon, you’ll see that challenges are not meant to destroy you but to portray God’s miracles in your life.
But now, cooperate with Him as He calls you to serve Him despite your pains. Listen when He tells you, “My child, trust me. I will turn this into something good.” You have to learn how to trust the process- God’s process. You may not like it, but God promises you, you will love the outcome.
All will be worth it in time. You will soon understand why everything has to happen this way. Your greatest pain will soon be your greatest breakthrough. So hang on, He is working!