Can God Talk to Us Today? What Does the Bible Say?

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

If prayer is the way for man to communicate with God, then how can He talk to us? Some people look for signs in nature and the universe whenever they are waiting for God to speak to them. Others wait for certain situations or even people to confirm any “messages” they have from God.

Unfortunately, there is little to no assurance that these things would actually bring God’s message to you. If you want to be sure about God communicating with you, then start reading the Bible. Contrary to popular belief, the Scriptures is not simply made by man, but through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Reading the pages of the Bible would reveal to you what God intended, not just for you, but for mankind as a whole. What’s great about reading the word of God is that you’d get a bigger picture about life.

So the next time you are awaiting for God to answer your prayer, open your Bible and start reading. What do other Bible verses say about God talking to us?

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