Cast Everything to God – 1 Peter 5:7

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

It is such a wonderful feeling to know that we have someone to depend on. It is such a great honor for someone to depend on us when they are having a hard time. Most of the time we always want to feel special in ways that either we are treated well and being cared for or in a way where people like to depend on us for they find good comfort in us. It is part of our human pride to solve our own problems and find solutions for it. 

Now, for our verse today, we have crossed into this verse so many times. However, we most of the time understand it as a comfort from God whenever we have problems. For us, it is just like God is giving us an option to trust in Him but we still have the choice to not. Yet, this is wrong. Our verse today is more than that, for God wants us to let go of this pride and do not let Him be our option of comfort but our only comfort. 

Peter wants to remind us that we should cast all our anxieties to Him because He cares for us. It is not just a mere casting but it is also abandoning our self pride, our ego to start seeking dependence on God. This is not just a reminder that God is for us and that He cares for us so we must be comforted because we have a back-up comforter, but we should realize that this verse was written to remind us that we should really cast all our anxieties to God. He is not our last option, but He is the only option we have.

As He has saved us from sin and death, He has also promised to love us and comfort us in every single way. We really have to understand that our God is a powerful and loving God. His love did not just stop on the cross but it continues and He knows that once we are already saved, it will really be hard for us. There will really be a battle within us where we fight against our sinful nature because we already have been given a new nature in Christ. Which means that it will really give us anxiety and depression. It will give us a hard time because our desire to sin will always want to crawl its way out. 

Therefore, as we read this verse let us always remember to set aside our human pride and our ego. Let us instead cast all our anxieties to God for He really cares for us. How wonderful it is to know that the God who made the heavens and the earth, the God who made everything possible cares for us? It is indeed so great that we can just sleep at night in peace knowing that He will never leave us. 

However, we will still doubt this promise if we still hold on to our human pride and have the thoughts of solving our own problems alone. We most of the time think that we can take care of ourselves but in fact we can. We even take care of others thinking that we are really capable but the truth is, we are very dependent on God. We can never survive this cruel life without Him. Thus, we should really abandon all our alpha-like attitude and become dependent on God because He knows what’s best for us. 

Let us always remember this promise of God so that we will understand that He is really there for us. We must always remember to seek His comfort, His will, His grace and His guidance through the Scripture. We should always put in our minds that the God who made the heavens and the earth, the God who died on the cross for us is our comforter and He promised to care for us always and to love us until the end of the age. How wonderful it is to remember His love and to know that Jesus is in love with us.

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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