Sexual Fidelity

This post was first published in January, 2015. —ed. “The NFL’s doing a better job at it. CBS is doing a better job at it. Kmart is doing a better job at it. Virtually every institution on earth is demonstrating that they are doing a better job at restoring people than the Church.” [1] These are the… Continue reading Sexual Fidelity

False Gods and Fake Images

How can we know if our worship is pleasing to God? One sure way is to carefully avoid what the Bible deems false worship. Scripture suggests at least four categories of deviant worship. Today, we will look at two of those categories. Worshiping the Wrong God One form of false worship is the worship of… Continue reading False Gods and Fake Images

Observing God’s Care

With the fear and uncertainty generated by the current COVID-19 pandemic, we consider this series by John MacArthur to be even more timely now than when it was first run eight years ago. The following blog post was originally published on November 8, 2012. —ed.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary detective, Sherlock Holmes, is one of… Continue reading Observing God’s Care

Blessed Assurance

This series was first published in January 2019. -ed. God is holy and we are sinful. Those two inescapable truths should frame our entire worldview. They also explain the terror God’s saints always felt during the divine encounters recorded in Scripture. It shouldn’t surprise us that even the apostle John collapsed “like a dead man”… Continue reading Blessed Assurance

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Plea for Forgiveness

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. Because of the physical rigors of crucifixion, Christ spoke only with great difficulty during His final hours on the cross. Scripture records just seven brief sayings from the Savior on the cross, but every one of them reveals that Christ remained sovereignly in control, even as… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Plea for Forgiveness

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Promise of Salvation

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. You may have heard stories of immediate answers to prayer. A destitute family thanks the Lord for a non-existent meal, and someone knocks at the door with food. A man with an empty bank account prays for help, and immediately finds an unexpected check in the… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Promise of Salvation

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Provision for His Mother

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. In the midst of His greatest anguish, Christ’s attention was not on Himself and His needs. Even as He hung on the cross, beaten and bleeding to death, His focus was on all that His Father was accomplishing—we see that illustrated in each of His seven… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Provision for His Mother

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Petition to the Father

This post was first published in March, 2015. —ed. Famous last words can be tragic or inspiring. Not everyone has the opportunity to choose their last words carefully, but for those who see death coming, what message of wisdom, love, confession, or summation do they deliver with their final breaths? In preparation for the celebrations… Continue reading The Seven Last Sayings of Christ: A Petition to the Father