When greed motivates people to become ministers.

Hey beautiful people I hope that this post meets you and your family members well? Today’s write up has been inspired by the Bible passage Acts 28:30. As Christian’s we should never lose focus on what truly matters, let us not allow the pleasures or things of the world (material) entice us and distract us from… Continue reading When greed motivates people to become ministers.

Navigating a Strange New World: Insights from Carl Trueman on Gender Confusion and the Modern Self – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

Today’s blog is the third guest article in our series on gender and sexuality, featuring insights from author and professor Carl Trueman. Earlier this year I read both of his books (I listened to them both on audio; Carl was the reader, and he did a great job). The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self is very… Continue reading Navigating a Strange New World: Insights from Carl Trueman on Gender Confusion and the Modern Self – Blog – Eternal Perspective Ministries

The Morocco Earthquake: Natural phenomenon or a sign of End Times?

https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/ZeoB9FCUT1I On the night of Friday, September 8, a seismic upheaval of magnitude 6.8 suddenly unleashed its fury. Thousands of residents in the numerous villages scattered across Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains were either retiring for the evening or already lost in slumber.  As of September 11, CNN reports, “More than 2,800 people have been killed… Continue reading The Morocco Earthquake: Natural phenomenon or a sign of End Times?

Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

Do you have a friend who is cheating on their partner? The question that weighs on your mind is this: Should you confront them about it or simply pretend it is none of your business?  As a Christian, you are likely grappling with the moral dilemma of how to handle this situation in a way… Continue reading Influencing others: How to confront a friend who is a serial cheater

If people were chosen to be non-elect, why did Paul CRY for them?

If TULIP and the Westminster Confession of Faith is true, and the idea that God chose who to save before the foundation of the world (choosing individuals to be either elect and able to believe in him, or non-elect and unable to believe in him), then the apostle Paul’s huge concern (and crying) for unbelievers is a huge mystery. WCF:… Continue reading If people were chosen to be non-elect, why did Paul CRY for them?

How To Fix A Broken Heart? – Raising Zion

THE LORD DOES HEAR THE CRY OF A HEART THAT’S BROKEN!! Yes, it’s true indeed!!❤️ My dear loving friend, is there something that has been bothering you for quite sometime? Hold on!! I have good news for you. There is a patient listener and a friend whom I know, who will not only hear you… Continue reading How To Fix A Broken Heart? – Raising Zion

How do we read the Bible? Pretend to be in it!

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9 I remember sitting in our tiny little church in the middle of nowhere Indiana and our pastor asking us all to think about why… Continue reading How do we read the Bible? Pretend to be in it!

How do we read the Bible? Journal it!

Scripture: “Your marvelous doings are headline news; I could write a book full of the details of your greatness.” Psalm 145:6 NIV Of all of these practices, this is probably the only one that I personally don’t need a lot of instruction on. I had to learn how to imagine myself in scripture, how to meditate on scripture, and… Continue reading How do we read the Bible? Journal it!

How do we read the Bible? Hand copy it!

“When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the Levitical priests.” Deuteronomy 17:18 When I shuffled into a little church in the middle of nowhere Indiana, I became a part of a community of believers that pursued the heart of the… Continue reading How do we read the Bible? Hand copy it!

How to correct our churchmates in a Christian way

We all had to deal with correcting someone we care about in our church community at some point.   In reality,  it is a sensitive subject. No one likes being the ‘bad guy’ pointing out someone else’s mistakes.  Here is the thing— ignoring the issue does not make it go away. Letting things slide can sometimes… Continue reading How to correct our churchmates in a Christian way