Have you stopped dreaming? Here are 5 Bible verses to encourage you to dream again

When you ask a child what they want to be when they grow up, you’ll be astonished to hear a variety of colorful answers: a doctor, a scientist, a gymnast, a ballerina, a professional basketball player, name it. Kids love to dream, and it’s normal for them to do that. In fact, when a child… Continue reading Have you stopped dreaming? Here are 5 Bible verses to encourage you to dream again

3 Bible verses for when you feel rejected by everyone around you

Rejection is common to all man. We all experience being rejected at times, whether the people who reject us are friends, foes, or are total strangers. Yes, we all get rejected. Some moments of rejection can bring about a lifetime of hurt unless we are healed from them. Children who grew up rejected and abandoned… Continue reading 3 Bible verses for when you feel rejected by everyone around you

5 Bible verses to encourage you to stand up for your rights

Many people worldwide are fighting for their rights. Some fight for them because they are denied of them. Others fight for them because their enemies want to take those rights away from them. Whatever the reason, we must learn to stand up and fight for our rights. As a Christian, we have often been told… Continue reading 5 Bible verses to encourage you to stand up for your rights

Building on solid ground: 9 Bible verses about construction – and faith

After the deadly destruction of the hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the reconstruction begins. Natural disasters are not new – they appear in the Bible, with Luke referring to Jesus’ parable about the man who built his house on solid ground, on ‘rock’ so that the floods could not tear it down – an allusion to faith. What… Continue reading Building on solid ground: 9 Bible verses about construction – and faith

Bible verses to encourage you to be outspoken for Christ

In a world where our faith in Christ is being tested, ridiculed and opposed, many Christians shrink back from boldly standing up and openly speaking out for Him. All Christ-followers know that nothing should ever cause them to shrink back, curl into a ball or hide in a cave. Rather, our faith in Christ must… Continue reading Bible verses to encourage you to be outspoken for Christ

Let these 10 Bible verses on light drive the darkness out of your day

Light has long been symbolic of good and it has many other positive connotations including hope, life and warmth. We talk of “the light at the end of the tunnel” and people “lighting up rooms” – on the one hand referring to hope and on the other, joy. In a literal sense it helps us… Continue reading Let these 10 Bible verses on light drive the darkness out of your day