How can I have joy when I’m going through trials?

Sometimes Christians believe that once they have been accepted into the Kingdom of God, their lives will be problem free. When this turns out not to be true, they begin to wonder why, and ask questions like “Is it something I’ve done? Am I really a Christian? Why are all these bad things happening to… Continue reading How can I have joy when I’m going through trials?

10 Bible Verses That Will Cheer You Up During Life’s Not So Blissful Moments

Life can be pretty rough at times. It can make you sad, depressed, and hurt you. There are times when problems just keep happening, one after another. When we feel down, we need something to cheer us up. Who better to cheer you up than God? God loves you and the Bible is full of many… Continue reading 10 Bible Verses That Will Cheer You Up During Life’s Not So Blissful Moments

What Does the Bible Say about the End of the World?

Photo by Crawford Jolly on Unsplash

Most if not all religions of the world has some view of the end of the world, or the end of time. This time is often depicted as the season wherein their respective gods will exact judgment in the world for their actions. The Bible also talks about the end of the world. But contrary… Continue reading What Does the Bible Say about the End of the World?

7 Bible Verses That Will Inspire You With No Fear

These inspirational readings provide an overview of God’s endless love and power that reaches far, far and beyond. Trusting God leads to hope and knowing that peace and joy are yet to come is inspiring. These Bible verses support his daily renewal of love. Another powerful Bible verse asks us to lose our fear, be… Continue reading 7 Bible Verses That Will Inspire You With No Fear

5 Bible Verses That Will Motivate You and Give You an Extra Push

Sometimes we have those days when we just feel down and need something or someone to give us a push and get us going. There is no better person to turn to then to God. These five Bible verses will give you that extra push you need: 1. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I… Continue reading 5 Bible Verses That Will Motivate You and Give You an Extra Push

5 Inspirational Bible Verses to Help You Enjoy Your Retirement

While some people look forward to retirement, others meet it with dread and fear. Remember, God wants you to take time to enjoy the beauty of His creation and the fruits of your labor. Reaching retirement age doesn’t mean that your mission in life is over, God still has much work for you to do… Continue reading 5 Inspirational Bible Verses to Help You Enjoy Your Retirement