“See that you do not look down on one of these little ones; for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” – Jesus
(Matthew 18:10)
We had a wonderful time at our Hearing God Through Your Dreams event hosted by Ephrata Community Church in Pennsylvania this past month. They even had Dream Teams who had already been reading through my book and getting together to interpret their visions of the night. I’m so proud of them as they are learning to think laterally, instead of literally, and practicing thinking outside the box. This is part of what makes dream work so much fun!
It was also awesome to see how intentional their church is to disciple whole families together and start training them up when they are young… a living legacy. One mom, Jaime, came up to the front with her 10-year-old son Ezra and they both shared their dreams and the powerful interpretations God gave them with the group.
Jesus said we are to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18:3), so if we make any aspect of our faith too difficult for a child, we’ve made it too difficult. Everyone was inspired and encouraged, seeing that since a child can interpret his dreams so beautifully and skillfully, they can learn how to as well.
Jesus & Dreams & Angels, Oh My!
Then for the weekend worship services I shared on several ways the Bible reveals angels minister to us. I loved that they had the 5th and 6th graders stay in the main services during the teaching. One mother shared how much her 11-year-old son Blake loved the message. After it, he took her to the book table and pointed out all the books he wanted them to get. Then, as soon as they got home, he proceeded to dive into Everyday Angels. Precious!

As if that wasn’t enough, then little Adelia came up just as we were leaving and said, “I know you have to go now, but I just wanted to tell you how much I liked your sermon this morning.” She said she loved learning about her angels, and so I asked if she’d met them. She said – so confidently and matter of factly – “I haven’t met them yet… but I’m going to.” Yessss. A child will lead them! ❤

It was also a huge blessing that several seminar participants even traveled in from surrounding states. We had 250 people registered, and some of you drove in from Delaware, New Jersey and Maryland… thank you so much for sharing your weekend with us! We loved meeting you in person and hearing your testimonies of dream revelations and angelic encounters. Here’s to living to the sacred supernatural!

Revival Glory Fire
And it didn’t end there! The following weekend we taught another dreams workshop at Revival Glory Ministry Center at a different city in Pennsylvania. That weekend a precious couple flew in for the event all the way from Wichita, Kansas! Kari and Gabriel Nicholson have been working with their dreams since 2019 when they were first introduced to our teaching, and they have both become very proficient at decoding God’s messages to them while they sleep.
This meant that for several of the sessions, after I taught a principle, I was able to invite them up to the front to share one of their dreams that illustrated it. We walked participants through the DAESI Dream Work Method using several of their own visions of the night, giving everyone a feel for how this looks in various kinds of dreams. I’ve already featured one of her fun stories in a previous blog and will be sharing more of her revelations and interpretations in upcoming posts. Watch this space!

It is so exciting to see you, as readers and students and seminar participants, putting the principles into practice and sharing the tools with others. What a privilege to help our friends and family connect with Holy Spirit’s wonderful counsel while they sleep. Every blessing to you… and sweet dreams!
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Children & Angels – A Match Made in Heaven | Glory Waves.