Christ Our Substitute – 1 Peter 3:18

“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.” – 1 Peter 3:18

The change from being unrighteous to righteous was not attained for free. Our freedom was not for free. When we live our lives, slaves to sin, we are all unrighteous and deserving of the wrath of God. We deserve condemnation, and we deserve to have the wrath of God poured for us because of all the filthiness of our sins. Most of the time, we tend to deny and act so righteous by covering our skeletons with our so-called good works. However, we have to understand that we are never righteous. We are dirty, we are sinful, and we deserve to be condemned. 

Our verse today reminds us that we are indeed sinful. It reminds us that only through Christ, we are saved. The salvation that we have now only belongs to Christ, and it is because He became the substitute. Instead of us dying on that cross, instead of us receiving the wrath of God, Christ received it all and suffered in our stead so that we will be spared from this suffering. We are unrighteous, and the righteous One was made to suffer so that we will be brought to God. Christ was put to death in the body but He was made alive in the Spirit. 

So, as we live our lives knowing this truth we must understand that our salvation completely belongs to Christ. It does not belong to us, nor can we have the power to give ourselves our own redemption and salvation. Just think about it, the treasure of heaven who is Jesus Christ– our Lord and the Word, sacrificed His life for us so that we will be able to live our lives free from sin and death. Thus, we must start understanding that it’s time for us to offer our lives to God and ask Him to guide us as we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior. 

Therefore, we must always remember that Christ died for us. He sacrificed the comforts of heaven to suffer and die here in our cruel world to save our sinful selves. We are very ungrateful that we even curse Him, and reject Him, but we must remember that as we receive Him as our Lord and Savior, we are also made alive. Thus, we must understand that everything we need is in Christ and that He is our salvation, not our own selves.

Categorized as Daily Bread

By Young Disciples

To Know Christ, and To Make Him Known

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