“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:16
It has been almost two years that this world is suffering under this COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have come to God for encouragement and hope, but many people have been walking away from God because they do not see any reason to remain in Him especially with what’s going on. Our verse today reminds us that our God is the God of encouragement, hope, and love. We must always be reminded that indeed after all that’s happening in this world, we are still alive, healthy, breathing, eating, and blessed.
However, not everyone is indeed having it good. Some just lost a loved one, some are suffering under chaotic wars, some are starving, some are in the hospital fighting for their life. Yet, we must also understand that our God is the God of hope and the God of encouragement. As per Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, he prayed for them that may Jesus Christ and God the Father send His Holy Spirit to comfort us, to encourage us, and to strengthen us into doing good works and producing good words.
It is very painful to think about what’s happening around the world right now. Some have their own agendas and are just pursuing what benefits them the most. Whilst, many people are suffering, many people are in pain, and many people are not in a good place. As we reflect on what’s happening in this world, it is indeed very unfortunate that we most of the time think that we don’t deserve it. However, we also have to remind ourselves, it is not a question about if we deserve it or not because in the first place, we all deserve one thing and that is to suffer and to be condemned because of all the horrible things we did and because of all our sins.
Since our God is gracious and loving that He still spared us from eternal death and suffering, we can still find the rainbow during the storm we are suffering from now. We know that through Christ we are saved by grace through faith in Him. Let’s be comforted that we are already saved once we believe in Christ and in His salvation. Now, if we are in distress, in pain, suffering, and fighting for our lives, always know that our God is not invalidating our situation and feelings. In fact, He knows, for He has overcome the world. Thus, that is why He will comfort us, He will give us hope, and strengthen us always. Immerse in His Word and He will give you His peace that transcends all understanding.
Therefore, let us always put in our minds and say this prayer for each other that may our Lord Jesus Christ and our God the Father comfort us, give us hope, and strengthen us in facing our day-to-day endeavors. Let’s pray for each other that God will strengthen us and that God will heal our land. Prayers that are lifted to God through Christ are heard by God. He is not a deaf God, He hears what we silently pray and He hears our every struggle. Let us lift everything to God and He will give us what we desire. He will strengthen us, comfort us, and encourage us through His Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus.