Comfort in Loss

When we lose someone
Near and dear to our heart;
A person we loved all our life;
One who played a big part.

We can’t stop crying.
Our grief is so great.
We’ll never see them again-
A lonely, unbearable fate.

If we don’t have Jesus with us,
Nothing on earth gives relief,
From our sadness and longing,
From deep feelings of grief.

But there is one who gives comfort-
The Prince of Mercy and Peace.
It’s no secret that He gives healing.
He has power to make our pains cease.

Pray to Jesus to come to you,
To help your heart feel more light.
God promises His people will live forever,
In a land that’s eternal and bright.

We’ll be with lost loved ones again,
When our own last day arrives.
That promise can keep us going,
With hope for the rest of our lives.

By Richard Cerruti

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