“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:4-5
In today’s daily bread, we look at Hebrews 13:4-5 and its clear message to us all: to live on the ways and will of the Lord and overcome conformity to the world.
Presently, more human ideologies arise and various practices have become universally accepted that are contrary to the word of God.
Looking closely at the scripture, it tells us about the sacredness of marriage and the preservation of our bodies before marriage, yet the world today normalizes living with each other before marriage and losing purity before communion as a couple. Also, it tells us about not putting our devotion to securing more money, acquiring more things as though it is our master, yet the world tells us otherwise, that having more money and possessions represent success and power.
We see how contradicting the practices and values of this world versus God’s. Yet the danger is that the world displays it as a norm and morally correct. Although we have needs while we live in this world, the Lord encourages us not to worry because He will never leave us, nor forsake us.
Basically, it tells us to continue walking in the ways and will of the Lord and be preserved and stay out of being defiled by the corrupt values of this world, for the Lord is faithful to help us meet our needs, not just money but even partners in life whom we will share the same vision and values. After all, it is better to have less than to lose our lives eternally. Remember these corruptions are planted by the real enemy, the devil, to keep God’s people away from Him.
If today you read this, and have experienced drifting away from the Lord because of sins such as these, do bot be discouraged, the throne of God’s grace and mercy is open for you and the Lord longs to put the robe of righteousness in you through Jesus Christ, our savior. If you have been following Christ and you think you feel defeated because of the world’s standards that places you below, do not be discouraged but be persevere and endure, for in His perfect time, the Lord will reward your faithfulness and crown you the crown of life. In today’s daily bread, it is our prayer that we will all move forward in living the life in a path that God has called us to follow.