Knowing accurately God’s attributes can mean all the difference in fighting discouragement. TWEET THAT!!!
(By the way, don’t forget to go to my previous blog post to enter the drawing for my new book “Heart of Courage: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series.” The drawing will end soon.)
If as believers in God and His Son we are basing our outlook with an accurate perspective of God, we have a solid foundation for faith. But if we believe in ideas about a god other than who the Almighty God of the universe really is, we have every reason to be discouraged.
Think of it this way. If we think God is weak, a liar, doesn’t keep his promises, is selfish, needy, stupid, confused, powerless, imperfect, and mean, is there any hope? No. Is there any solid foundation? No. Of course, all of us would say, “But I don’t think of Him that way.”
Whether or not we think of His qualities truthfully is revealed by the choices we make in each challenge or joy of life. TWEET THAT!!!!
In many ways, we behave and make decisions as if His character is based on lies. Especially when we experience risk, the truths about His nature aren’t on our minds, and our heart responds like we believe the lies.
If we could be perfect on this earth everything would be different. We would instantly evaluate the beliefs of our inner heart and replace the lies with the truth of His character. Then we would never respond in any sinful way. We would always trust in a God who is completely good, kind, loving, wise, patient, and faithful, and who also hates and is wrathful against sin because of its damage to His creation and created ones.
Thank God, He doesn’t expect perfection of any of us. Instead, He longs for us to grow in our confidence in the truth of who He is and then act courageously because we trust in His holy characteristics.
- What is your favorite characteristic of God?
- What characteristic of God do you have the hardest time believing?
Study these verses which speak of God’s characteristics. Identify one or more qualities of God.
Psalm 99:1, 9:
(Excerpt from Heart of Courage: Daughters of the King Bible Study Series” Available both print and Kindle)
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about courage.