During Jesus’s time on earth, he took on the nature of mankind, in order to demonstrate to us his understanding of our every day struggles. The bible said that we do not have a high priest (Jesus), who cannot be touched or who cannot relate to our infirmities (weaknesses), but experienced temptations in the same way that we did, yet he did not sin. As a result of Jesus’s life, death and resurrection, we have access to the throne of grace. In fact, we can approach God with boldness, to find mercy and help in times of need (Hebrews 4:15-16). As part of his demonstration to us, Jesus showed us how to walk in authority and how to trust God to meet our needs. Jest before the Passover, Jesus needed a donkey for his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
He sent his disciples into a nearby village and told them where to find a colt, that had not been ridden. They were told to respond that the Lord needed it, if they were challenged about taking the colt. They responded as Jesus instructed and the colt was released to him. In another example, Jesus needed to prepare for the Passover meal and again he sent his disciples to find a place. “He said, “Go into the city to a certain man and say to him, ‘The Teacher says, My time is at hand. I will keep the Passover at your house with my disciples’”” (Matthew 26:18). The scriptures do not mention that the disciples experienced any opposition, however, the story progressed to them having the Passover meal. This meal traditionally consisted of a sacrificial lamb, with bread, wine and herbs.
The venue, the wine, the bread and the lamb would have been provided for Jesus and his twelve disciples to eat and be full. I never saw Jesus express any worry concerning where provision would come from for either himself, his disciples or followers. There’s another story when Jesus needed to pay taxes for he and Peter. He sent Peter to go fishing and to open the mouth of the first fish that he caught. Within the fish’s mouth, was enough money to pay the taxes for both Peter and Jesus. He was demonstrating to his disciples and to us that our help comes from God. Before we had a need, God had a way of meeting that need and provision is waiting if we have the faith to receive it. Help also comes in the form of angelic assistance and when Peter struck off the ear of the soldiers, Jesus reminded Peter of the power available to him.
“Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels” (Matthew 26:53)? The reminder to Peter was that, we do not need to lean on our own strength nor rely on our own human understanding. It’s not by our power or might, but by the strength of the Lord, that we gain wealth and provision and we overcome the devil. Our help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth and God wants to meet our needs when we learn to pray, wait on him and have faith. “And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes”” (Mark 9:23). Like the father in this story, many times we have to pray against doubt, fear and unbelief. God is willing and able to help us and send us help in times of need.
Republished with permission from Blogs.crossmap.com, featuring inspiring Bible verses about Divine Help.